* * *

Saturday had been great. Sunday had been delicious and lazy. Monday was nerve-racking.

‘Are you nervous?’ she asked.

Alex didn’t look a bit nervous; he looked handsome and dapper in his dark blue suit.

‘Terrified. You?’ He shot her a smile across the bedroom.

‘I don’t think this dress is right. And my jacket’s far too bright...’ Her make-up was probably wrong as well, for a TV appearance, and Marie hoped that part of the reason they had to be at the studio hours before their scheduled appearance was because they would fix that.

‘You look gorgeous. Anyway, the whole purpose of a dark suit is to show off the woman next to you.’

Marie wasn’t sure that made her feel any better. She’d rather fade into the background and have Alex take the glare of the attention they were hoping to generate.

‘I’m a doctor, Alex. Not a mannequin.’

‘Who says you can’t be a stunningly beautiful doctor? The two aren’t mutually exclusive.’

‘Stop.’ She held her hand up. ‘I know you mean well, but you’re not making this any easier.’

‘Does this?’

He walked around the bed, enveloping her in the kind of careful hug that was designed not to crease their jackets, but still felt warm and reassuring.

‘What happened to being able to do anything together?’

‘It’s live TV, Alex!’

‘We’ve built a clinic and we can do this.’

Marie nodded, disentangling herself from his arms and smoothing the front of his jacket. He was steady and secure, like a rock. She just had to remember not to hang on to him too much in public, however much she might want to. She knew Alex wasn’t ready to let that mask of his slip yet. He guarded his private life fiercely.

The car arrived to take them to the TV studio and they drove through clear streets, bathed in early-morning light. She slipped her hand into his, knowing that this was breaking all their rules about keeping their relationship strictly behind closed doors, but not really caring. Alex’s touch might be subtle, and he didn’t kiss her fingers the way he had before they’d left his flat, but it was enough to keep her from panicking and trying to jump out of the car when it stopped at a red light.

A cheery make-up girl applied lipstick in a shade that seemed too bold for Marie, explaining that it would look much the same as her normal colour under the lights of the studio. They were shuffled from one place to another by various production assistants, and finally they walked onto the set.

Alex was standing to one side, to let her go first, but still keeping protectively close. The presenters of the morning show beamed at them, murmuring a few words of encouragement. They were clearly used to dealing with nervous guests.

First there was a short film about the clinic that had been made earlier in the week. Sonya had picked out all the elements which were most important in the accompanying press release, and the questions were easy enough. Alex answered his with exactly the kind of friendly approachability that they wanted to be the hallmark of the clinic, and Marie managed to get through hers without stumbling.

It was going well. She kept her gaze on the two presenters, trying not to look at Alex. She knew he was there with her, and that gave her courage.

Then the female presenter leaned forward, smiling at Alex. ‘I believe that it’s your inheritance that has made the clinic possible, Alex?’

Too close for comfort. But Alex’s face didn’t show any of the dismay that Marie felt.

‘I count myself fortunate in having been able to use it to do so.’

‘And as you’ve also inherited a royal title...’ the presenter paused for effect ‘...I think we can all agree that you’re one of London’s most eligible bachelors now. Is there any chance that we have a royal wedding to look forward to?’

The woman was being deliberately challenging. Marie wondered whether strangling her on live TV would be considered an appropriate response, and glanced up at Alex.

His smile didn’t change. ‘I’d far rather everyone saw me as a doctor. One who’s working a little too hard to contemplate romance at the moment.’

‘You’re sure...?’

The male presenter shot a pointed look at Marie, and she wondered whether her body language had given her away. She’d been so frightened that maybe she’d unconsciously sat a little too close to Alex on the sofa.