“Knock knock.” Jet taps the side of my head, snapping me out of my pity-party. “Anybody in there?”

I slap his hand away. “You’re in a fucking good mood.”

“We’re home,” he says with a wide grin, and he looks so damn happy, I swallow my next snappish remark.

Instead I grab him in a bear hug. “Yep, we are. Welcome home, fucker.”

He yelps and fights me a little, but quickly settles in my arms, sliding his around my hips. “You looked so far away for a moment there.”

“Nah, I’m right here.”

Caught in these fucking useless thoughts, when I could be making plans for the rest of the day. What should bother me is losing my Sunday to the in-laws and seeing Candy nervous and stressed, instead of spending a peaceful and sex-filled day with my girlfriend and boyfriend. My priorities are screwed up.

But there’s still time to make up for it, I think, when Candy joins us, sliding her hands over our shoulders and smiling up at us, her brown eyes warm.

Plenty of time.

I lean down to kiss her, and plans are already forming in my head—we could take this to the sofa, or do it against the wall. There are things I wanna try. An image of Candy going down on Jet as I fuck her from behind hits me, and I grow hard real fast.

Jet’s groan tells me he’s thinking in similar lines. His hand slips behind my head, tugging on my short hair, and he bends over my neck, trailing his lips on my pulse.

Fuck, this day’s improving by leaps and bounds, and I grin against Candy’s lips, letting my hand drop down to her waist, under the elastic of her skirt…

… And of course right then a loud and irritating noise starts from behind us.

It takes me a long moment to realize it’s the fucking doorbell.

I groan. Christ.

“Ignore it,” I whisper, kissing the corner of Candy’s mouth. “They’ll go away.”

Jet seems to have the same idea, because he bites the side of my neck hard enough to jolt me, his hand on my hip moving down to my ass and squeezing. “Fuck ’em.” He lifts his head a little, dark eyes narrowing. “Unless it’s your parents, of course. We don’t fuck your parents.”

I cough, laughter catching in my throat at his seriousness.

“We don’t know who it is,” Candy whispers, pulling back an inch—as much as my grip on her waist allows.

“It can’t be your parents,” I say, more loudly than I’d planned, but come on. “We just left them.”

“But if it’s an emergency?”

Another groan rumbles up my chest as she twists out of my grasp and flashes me a quick smile. “I’ll just see who it is, okay?”

“It can’t be her parents,” Jet mutters, echoing my thoughts, but sounding unsure. “Can it?”

“Maybe her mom wants more of your advice on vibrators,” I say dryly.

He muffles a laugh on my shoulder, and I ruffle his wild hair. I like how easy it is to be with him now, since I’ve allowed myself to do what feels good and right. How easy it is to love him and touch him and enjoy the way he rubs himself on me and sighs against my neck.

The fact I love a man—and a woman—never fails to amaze me. I didn’t know I was capable of loving anyone a couple of months ago. Didn’t know I was capable of following my feelings instead of my logic, that I was capable of finding happiness where I least expected it.

“It’s Brylee!” Candy calls from the door. “Hey, girl, hi! And Simone!”

Jet lifts his head and we exchange a resigned look. “Fuck,” he says, and I whole-heartedly agree.

Besides, who the hell is Simone? Can’t we catch a fucking break today?

But Brylee says something that has Candy laughing, and I forget to be angry, because the sound does funny things to my chest, making my heartbeat trip and my mouth twitch.