This girl. She’s an addiction.

Jet props an elbow on my shoulder and turns to look as Candy comes toward us, Brylee and the mysterious Simone in tow, all smiles.

Whoa. Pink hair alert. Simone has caramel skin and bright pink hair, and still manages to look subdued and conservative in her knee-length black skirt and cream sweater. She’s wearing pearl earrings, for chrissakes.

“Sit. We made cookies yesterday, you have to try them!” Candy deposits the girls on the sofa and flits to the kitchen. “Lemonade, cranberry juice, tea, coffee?”

“Tea would be great,” Brylee says.

Her friend sits there, eyes downcast, pink hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, twisting her hands in her lap. Whoa, girl looks shy as hell.

Not Brylee, though.

She waves at us brightly. “Hi boys! How are things? Having a good time with Candy?” She then proceeds to point at us and tell her friend, “They stole my roommate. Can’t tell you how long it took me to train her, and now they reap the benefits.”

“Train her?” I wander closer, despite my better judgment. “How?”

“Your mind just landed in the gutter, didn’t it?” She waggles her brows and doesn’t wait for me to reply. “I trained her as a roommate, silly. I taught her things like, when you put a red sock on your door handle it means you’re having wild bunny sex, or when there’s man trouble you’re expected to go out and buy chocolate mint ice cream and download a romantic comedy, or—”

“Not sure Candy needs this training anymore,” Jet says, waving a hand back and forth, and throws himself in the armchair, spreading his legs and folding his arms over his chest. “Right, J?”

“No need for the red sock,” I agree, “since she’s always welcome to join the wild bunny sex session. Also, if there’s man trouble, then it’s with one of us.”

“Or both of us,” Jet adds.

“Or that.”

Simone’s eyes are bugging out of her head.

Jet grins wolfishly.

Brylee sighs and shakes her head. “So much training gone to waste. Come, sit.” She pats the cushion next to her, as if expecting me to squeeze in beside her and the timid Simone. “Tell Brylee how you’ve been.”

Okay. I admit honestly that I don’t know what to make of this girl, but she’s Candy’s bestie, so hey, I can’t kick her ass out in the cold.

Plus, she was the one who called Candy to let her know Jet had been stabbed, when his crazy dad decided to kill him in the back alley of a bar, and

just for that she deserves to live.

For now.

So I rein in my fraying temper and sit on the armrest of Jet’s armchair instead. As a plus, I get Jet’s arm sliding around my back, and that helps calm me down more.

Meanwhile, Simone seems to have forgotten about being the shyest girl alive, because she says, not even trying to keep her voice low, “Whoa, it’s so hot seeing guys together.”


Jet arches a brow at me, and I swallow laughter. “So, Simone,” he drawls, “you wanted to see it with your own eyes?” His arm tightens around me. “Wanna stick around, see us suck face, maybe fondle each other? Or would you rather discuss the best positions for a threesome, instead?”

Simone makes a noise like she swallowed a fly.

Brylee scoffs. “Like you would.”

“Don’t give him ideas,” I say, jerking a little when Jet’s fingers dig into my hip. “He was just talking vibrators, pros and cons, with Candy’s mom. He’s on a fucking roll.”

“Holy crap,” Brylee says, her eyes going round.

“I know, right?”