She gave a sound of distress but the platform didn’t even move. “It’s very solid,” I told her. “I promise.”

I came back in and went to the living room to grab the blanket I used to sleep. I yanked off my tie and tossed it on the couch. Then I got a beer for myself from the fridge. “Grab your keys.”

If I went out, I figured she’d follow me. I was right. She did go and get her house keys, but then she held on to the window frame and crawled through the opening. She kept holding it as she stood and got her bearings.

“This is kind of cool, I’m not going to lie.” Still clinging to the building, she slid down onto the blanket I had spread out for us to sit on. “Put these in your pocket,” she said, handing me the keys.

I did as I was told. Then we settled in next to each other, leaning against the open window frame, my arm around her. She leaned on me and pulled the blanket over both of us. “This is definitely a different perspective on the neighborhood. It’s chilly though.”

“It is November,” I said. “But five minutes. That’s all I ask. Look at the sky. Then look at me. Because I have something I need to tell you.”

Something about the tone in Maddox’s voice had me turning quickly toward him, my heart racing. “What?”

But he shook his head. “Look at the sky first, Savannah.”

I swallowed my need to ask him again and did as he asked. I was amazed at how bright it was despite it being midnight. Light pollution made the sky look like it was only a step or two past dusk tonight. The air was cool and crisp and there really weren’t any visible stars. But the sky was a beautiful canopy arching over the tops of the buildings. All of the adjacent apartments were brick with the same lattice work of fire escapes. Lights dotted the windows of various apartments and yet it was surprisingly quiet. It felt like we were alone in the density of Brooklyn.

Leaning against Maddox’s strong shoulder I felt overwhelmed by a variety of emotions. I was falling in love with Maddox and that felt both wonderful and wrong. I also felt super grateful for his friendship and companionship. “Thank you,” I murmured, not looking at him. “For everything. For being here for me.”

He squeezed me closer to his side. “You don’t need to thank me. I don’t think you understand, Savannah.”

His hand gently took my chin and he turned my head. “What I need to tell you is that I’m in love with you. Not as a little brother or a friend but as a man. The way a man loves a woman he wants to spend forever with.”

Each word he spoke sent me further into shock and awe. “Maddox…” I didn’t know what to say. My head was screaming at me to protest, to tell him that was insane, he was too young, and we’d only been in each other’s lives again for less than two months.

What I actually said was, “I love you, too.”

It flew out of my mouth without thought or warning or anything other than my heart speaking for me.

His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared.

I expected him to say something else, but he didn’t. He just bent down and took my mouth in a passionate, deep, gorgeous kiss. Our fingers were still laced together and I gave myself over to the moment, to him. There was only me, him, the crisp night air swirling around us and a connection so strong it felt like the iron of the fire escape beneath us.

His free hand started to roam over my body, under the bulkiness of the blanket and my sweats. When he made little circles over my clit, I broke off the kiss, feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I gave a little gasp of pleasure, letting my head fall back so I could fully enjoy the sensations he was creating in me.

I found his cock and massaged over the front of his pants, no particular goal in mind, just wanting to feel him.

Maddox definitely had a goal. He went deep and found the perfect angle. I came silently, eyes drifting shut briefly. When the last wave of pleasure settled, I gave a little laugh.

“Oh my God, that was so very high school of me,” I breathed. “I just let my brother’s best friend finger bang me under a blanket on a fire escape after a party.”

Maddox gave a low laugh. “Two major differences though. You would have never let me touch you in high school and if you had, I would have had no clue what to actually do.”

That was not an issue now. “Then you’ve learned a lot in a few short years.”

“I should hope so.”

“Are we crazy?” I asked, even as I was cozy and content from the orgasm he’d given me. “What are we even doing?” I wasn’t sure what it even meant to be in love, or if I was. I knew I loved Maddox, but was that the same thing?

“Don’t complicate things. Let’s just enjoy each other.” He held his hands up like they were forming a box. He raised them toward the sky. “I want to capture this moment. Remember it forever.” He turned so his hands were framing my face. “Not that I could ever forget this. You look beautiful. Your eyes are telling me you love me and I’ve never seen anything so amazing.”

I swallowed hard, overwhelmed with the enormity of what I was saying, what we were doing. “I do love you.”

He lowered his hands and gave me a slow, wicked smile. “Come inside and show me.”

That made me laugh. “Your sex drive is ridiculous.”

“You’re welcome.” He tossed the blanket off of us. “You go in first. I’ve got your back.”