Savannah kissed me back until we heard someone say “Oh, whoops!”

She pulled back and gave me an amused look. “I think we just got caught,” she said in a stage whisper.

I glanced to my left. It was four people in their fifties or sixties passing a shared cigarette. Or possibly a blunt. “We most definitely did.”

“Can we go home?” she asked.

Home. Yeah. That would be my heart just about busting out of my chest.

“We can do whatever you want, Savannah. Anything.”

She stared up at me, her eyes bright. “Then take me home, Maddox.”

Chapter 13

When we got back to the apartment, Savannah went to check on the baby while I walked the babysitter downstairs to make sure she got in a cab safely. It all felt very much like we were a couple, living together, raising a baby.

In love.

I returned to the apartment after saying goodnight to Ida right as Savannah emerged from the bedroom wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Both were large and loose enough to fit on an NFL player. She was drowning in them and I was disappointed. I preferred the sexy dress. I’d been anticipating sliding a hand up that short skirt.

The outfit might be a setback but I wasn’t going down without a fight. She was getting her water bottle out of the refrigerator and I leaned against the counter next to her, studying her, wanting to know where her head was at. On the deck, there had been a moment where I’d thought she was right there, with me. Falling in love.

“What’s the most romantic thing I could do right now?” I asked her. “What would be the perfect rom-com ending to a great night?”

Her nose wrinkled. “What? What are you talking about?”

“How would this end in the movies?” I reached out and took her free hand and laced my fingers through hers. I kissed her knuckles one by one.

“I… I don’t know.”

“No? Not a single idea?”

Savannah set her water down and shook her head. “We order a pizza?”

I gave her a look. “Really? That’s the best you’ve got? I can see I’m going to have to take charge of this.” I turned and pried open the kitchen window. “We’re going to sit on the fire escape and look at the stars.”

Her jaw dropped. “Are you serious? Is that even safe?”

“It’s a fire escape. It’s meant to be for you to escape fire. Safely. Of course it’s safe.” I stuck my head out and assessed it. The first time I’d been in the kitchen I’d thought if I lived here in the summer I’

d be sitting out there all the time. “Are you telling me you’ve never been out here?”

“No! I’m a mother.”

“I didn’t say bring the kid out here. But before he was born or when he’s in bed you’ve never sat out here and looked around at the neighborhood? The sky?”

“No. It never even occurred to me.”

“And you call yourself the rom-com queen.” I scoffed. “Wasted opportunity.”

She eyed the window. “What if we get locked out?”

“Take your keys if somehow mysteriously the window both closes and locks itself on the inside without human interference.”

Savannah gave me a frown.

I laughed. “What?” I stuck my head out. “This is amazing. Here, I’ll test it first.” I crawled out and jumped up and down on it a few times.