“Oh, shit,” I said, licking my bottom lip. “Was I loud? Did I wake him up?”

“You barely made a sound.” Maddox gave me a soft kiss that was as confusing as it was arousing. “I’ll get him.”

Thank God. I wasn’t sure I could look my baby in the eye right then since I’d just let his nanny in my pants.

After quickly zipping those pants, I slapped the lid back on the ice cream and shoved it in the freezer.

Maddox returned with a red-faced and sleepy Sully. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with him,” he said. “It was so sudden it might be teething. He was out like a light all night.”

My brother’s best friend turned nanny turned man who gave me an o

rgasm after thirty seconds looked casual AF. I was flustered and embarrassed. Now what? Maddox did not look concerned about the interruption or what had just happened, even though I could see in his loose pajama pants he still had a very hard cock. Just the sight of it made my mouth water. He saw me check him out. His eyebrows rose in acknowledgement that he’d seen me looking south.

“Another time,” he said. “You’ll get to have it, don’t worry.”

“Maddox!” I was actually shocked. He made me feel very much like a Victorian virgin. Well, except when he had me breaking on his finger. I just found it ironic that he could make me so flustered and off-kilter. Who the hell would have ever seen that coming? Not twenty-year-old me, that was for damn sure.

My nanny turned torturer let out a crack of laughter at my admonishment.

I ran my hand over Sully’s head and wiped his fat tears off his cheeks. “Shh, it’s okay, buddy. You’re okay.” I looked at Maddox over his head. “Maybe it’s a good thing he woke up. What the hell just happened between us?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?”

“No! It’s a serious question. We can’t just be randomly making out and… doing things.” Sully reached for me and I took him, bouncing him up and down automatically.

“We can’t?” He just looked amused. “It seems like we just did.”

“Stop being so casual.” My cheeks felt hot and I wasn’t even sure why. “We’re supposed to be friends.”

“We are friends, Savannah.” Maddox brushed my hair back off my cheek, making me shiver. “But we’re also hot for each other. Just admit it. The sky isn’t going to fall if you do. They even have a phrase for it—friends with benefits.”

I chewed my bottom lip, frustrated. “This is a bad idea.”

“What is? Giving each other pleasure? That seems like a fantastic idea to me.” He gave me a slow, crooked grin. “And you didn’t deny you’re hot for me.”

I didn’t. I couldn’t. “You’ve been walking around shirtless on purpose, haven’t you?”

“I don’t like shirts,” he said. “It’s not my fault you enjoy the view.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m going to change Sully and see if I can get him back to sleep. This conversation isn’t over.”

“Good. I could have this conversation all night.”

Oh, my. That was promising and terrifying all at once. Maddox looked like he had any number of things he wanted to say with his tongue all over my body. And Lord, did I want the man to talk.

I took Sully back into my bedroom and changed his diaper, distracted. So, I’d let my nanny get me off. That wasn’t a huge deal, was it? There were worse things I could have done. Cheated on my taxes. Cursed a high school enemy with a voodoo doll. Reckless use of exclamation points in my work articles. Forgotten to call my mother on her birthday. Those were bad things. This was not.

It wasn’t like I’d asked Maddox to do it either.

He seemed to be fully on board with some casual intimacy.

He was right—we were friends. If we kept it on the down low, did it really matter? Couldn’t it be a mutually satisfying arrangement for the time he was staying with me? I thought about Steven’s reaction. My brother would lose his shit. But he was in Stroudsburg and really, who I had sex with was my own business, not his. He didn’t tell me a damn thing about his personal life.

That gave me exactly no reason to worry about Steven’s feelings, right?

Sully had stopped crying almost the minute the soiled diaper was off, so I snapped him back into his pajamas and picked him up. I kissed his still-damp cheek. “This is our little secret, okay, sweetie? Don’t tell Uncle Steven. Mommy needs a little boom-boom.”

Even as I rocked him and spoke, he was already dropping back into sleep. Mercifully, within a couple of minutes he was out, body limp and heavy, lips parted as he breathed in and out. I put him back in his crib and watched him for a second to make sure he didn’t wake back up. He stayed asleep, so I retreated to the bathroom, washed my hands, and contemplated brushing my teeth but then decided if I came out smelling minty fresh it would be super obvious.