I was insanely self-conscious. I adjusted the off-the-shoulder side of my sweater, trying to expose more skin without making it seem like I was. “You’re ridiculous,” I murmured to myself in the mirror, before sticking my tongue out at myself.

Going down the hall, I had the sudden urge to stop at the end of the wall and drape myself in the doorframe like a femme fatale. Except knowing me, I would trip and break my ankle. So instead I sort of fast-walked into the room and jumped onto the couch next to Maddox, tucking my feet under my legs. “Hi.”

“Hi.” He smiled at me. “Sully asleep?”

I nodded. “Wet diaper.”

“Do you want more ice cream?” he asked, resting his hand very casually on my knee, like we sat like this all the time.

He was younger than me and yet I felt like a middle school girl all of a sudden. I was a mother, and I was unnerved by Maddox’s hand of my knee, of all stupid things, very aware I was still wet from his touch. “No, I’m fine. I’ve already put my foot in my mouth, I don’t need to put anything else in it.”

The corner of his mouth turned up. “Nothing else? You don’t want anything else to go into your mouth?”

I smacked his arm. “I realized exactly one second too late how that would sound.”

He laughed. “When did you put your foot in your mouth?”

“I told you I want toe-curling sex, not with a stranger, or whatever I said. I didn’t mean you had to step up to bat.”

“What if I’ve been dying to play for years?” He stroked his thumb across my knee. “And you telling me that was basically like a coach yelling ‘you’re in!’ to the benchwarmer.”

I blinked at him. “You’ve been waiting to be told you can go in?”

Maddox nodded. “The first day I got here you put me in my place, so I’ve been waiting. I didn’t want to fuck this up or make you uncomfortable, but the truth is, you’re my teen fantasy and, Savannah…”

When he didn’t continue, I asked, “Yes?” My heartrate had shot up and my inner thighs had suddenly gotten very, very wet.

“I want to strip you naked and worship every inch of your sexy body. I want to make you come so many times you don’t even know your own name, then I’m going to start all over again and do the same thing a second time.”

“Um…” I was speechless. And burning up from the inside out. My mouth was hot, my throat dry. “I…”

Maddox took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. “But I want to be clear. I made you come because I wanted to pleasure you, not because I saw it as the price of admission to your body. You call the shots here.”

With that, his words both startled me and reassured me. He was a man who had been raised to respect women, and I realized that initially he had flirted with me, but just that first day. As soon as I’d told him I wasn’t interested, he had backed off and established himself as my babysitter and friend.

I was so going to have sex with him.

Untucking my feet, I shifted and climbed onto his lap.

He made a sound in the back of his throat that I didn’t think I would ever forget. His nostrils flared as I sank my thighs down, knees on either side of him. He gripped my waist, me his shoulders, as I leaned in.

“If I’m calling the shots, I want you to do what you said. What was it?” I asked. “Strip me naked and worship every inch of my body?”

“Your sexy body,” he said, voice low and rough. “That’s what I said.”

I gave him a smile. “Yeah. That. Do that.”

Savannah was on my lap, her smooth fingers gliding over my shoulders, across my biceps. This was happening and I was one lucky motherfucker. I could feel the warm press of her pussy against my cock, even through her tight pants. What I really wanted to do was just yank her jeans off and fuck her hard, fast.

But that would mean the fun would be over way too fast. I wanted to draw this out. Make it last as long as I could handle without exploding. I ran a finger over the creamy skin exposed on her right shoulder. Her sweater had slipped and even that glimpse of her flesh turned me on. She had the ivory skin of a redhead, but whereas she covered the freckles on her face, her shoulder showed a dusting of them. I wanted to kiss each one.

So I did.

Her soft hair brushed against my cheek and she sighed, rocking herself just ever so slightly against me.

I lifted my head and said, “Kiss me, Savannah.”

She tossed her hair back, then gave me a soft smile. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, but it was enough to me that she was here, on my lap. I expected a sweet kiss. It wasn’t. The second she leaned in, she was hungry, questing, pressing her mouth eagerly against mine.