She sounded so fierce I was amused. “What? Why?”

“Because I’m going to explode if I can’t talk in the next thirty seconds and I need her out of earshot.”

Jana did look like she was going to burst. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet and twisting her long hair into a cone.

We went and sat down. “It’s not what you think,” I said.

“I knew you liked babies,” she said. “God, I’m good.” She eyed Savannah, now just a speck exiting the park. “But I have to say, I didn’t actually think you had a baby. Or a baby mama that you’re clearly still one hundred percent in love with. So what wrecked the relationship?”

“Slow your roll,” I said dryly. “Sully is not my son.”

Her eyes widened. “Oooh, so she cheated and got knocked up? Damn.”

That was a horrible fucking thought. “No. We were never together. We’re friends. Her brother is my best friend. We grew up together. While I’m doing the show, I’m staying with her. In exchange for a place to live, I watch the baby when she needs me to.”

“Is the baby’s father around?”


Jana nodded. “I figured as much. No man wants a muscular tattooed old friend as a nanny, living with his girlfriend.”

“It’s not like that. Savannah thinks of me as

a little brother.” Unfortunately. For now.

“But you do want to be with her, right?”

I wasn’t sure why I was being honest with Jana when I’d just met her, but on the other hand, it seemed like she already had an accurate read on the situation, so why pretend I wasn’t head over ass for Savannah? “Yes.” I leaned back against the bench and put my ankle over the opposite knee, studying my work boots.

“Then make a play for her.”

I had every intention of doing that, but didn’t feel like I needed to spell out my actions to Jana. “It’s complicated.”

“Do you think she thinks you’re hot?” Jana pulled both of her knees up to her chest and rested her feet on the edge of the bench. “I would assume most women would think you’re hot. You have the right package.”

I gave a scoff. “Thanks. I think. And yes, given things she’s said, she thinks I’ve grown up just fine. But she doesn’t want to go there. She’s got her friends setting her up on dates.”

“And you’re just going to sit and watch her wind up with someone else?”

“I’m waiting for the right moment.” The sun felt fantastic on my face and I tipped my head back.

“You just want to wait around and hope something happens?”

“I didn’t say that. I just need to lay the groundwork.”

I could feel Jana staring at me. “What?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Nothing. So let’s lay the groundwork.”

I eyed her. “I don’t think you can help me with that, but thanks.”

“I can plot with the best of them. What are her favorite activities, foods, movies?”

“She loves romantic comedies,” I said, without hesitation. “And fashion.”

“Oh, Maddox, this is gold. We can set up every rom-com moment. She’ll be eating out of your hand in a month.” Jana held her hand up to give me a high five.

“We’re high-fiving?” But I did it, because I loved her enthusiasm. My only friend in New York was Savannah. It would be nice to have an ally if Jana was serious about all of this. “And what rom-com moments?”