“You need to do research online. But basically, we need you to save her from her boss, get her a promotion, be her confidant, accidentally slow dance with her, or pretend to be her boyfriend at a wedding. Maybe eat a pizza with her on a fire escape and almost kiss about ten times.”

“All of those?” That seemed daunting and absolutely fucking ridiculous.

“That’s just a jumping-off point. It doesn’t have to be those specifically.” Jana waved her hand. “We’ll work out the details. But every day when you’re with her you need to think WWRR.”

I eyed her. “What the hell does that stand for?”

“What Would Ryan Reynolds Do.”

That made me roll my eyes. “You forgot the D. You said WWRR. What Would Ryan Reynolds.”

She thought a second. “Shit. You’re right.” She grinned. “Trust me to forget the D.”

I laughed. “It doesn’t matter. I never would have figured that out anyway.”

“It’s a great benchmark. Stop and consider what Ryan Reynolds or really any Ryan would do. Gosling works too.”

Yeah, fuck that. “With all due respect to the Ryans, I’m not going to live my life copying some other dude’s moves. I’ve got my own moves.”

Jana looked dubious. “Don’t be cocky. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, son.”

I laughed. “So you’re an expert? I’m sorry if I misunderstood that,” I said dryly.

“Totally an expert. I date women, don’t I? Oh, and you must discuss her dates with her.”

“I don’t want to do that.” Nope. Not at all.

Jana smacked my leg. “You have to be her confidant! It’s a requirement.”

I laughed. “You’re taking this very seriously.”

“I love a project. Besides, I don’t like being alone and I don’t know anyone here, so I’ve decided you’re going to be my best friend.”

“To what do I owe that honor?”

“I can tell you have sisters. Right?”

I nodded. “Three.”

“And they’re all younger, right?”

I eyed her. “Yes. You’re a little freaky sometimes, you know that?”

“I’ve been called worse things.” She stood up. “Are you hungry? Let’s eat and plot your strategy. We need to put some things into motion.”

I’m not one for having a total stranger tell me what to do, but Jana amused the hell out of me.

Besides, she was right.

I wanted Savannah.

I’d do whatever it took to make her mine.

Chapter 5

“You look great,” Maddox said as I came out of my bedroom.

He was standing eating a sandwich over the kitchen counter, Sully on his hip. After working all day, he’d gotten back to the apartment and changed into flannel pajama pants. He looked like a pro eating and juggling a baby.