“No, I just went through a shockingly easy breakup. We’re still friends and everything is chill. How about you?”

I shook my head. “No.”

“You hesitated,” Jana said, giving me a mischievous smile. “So there is someone, just not an officially defined boyfriend/girlfriend situation.”

“Are you sure you’re a tattoo artist and not a sociologist or clairvoyant?” For barely being five feet tall, Jana was a little terrifying.

“I can just sense it. Do tell, Maddox. All your secrets are safe with me.”

“I don’t have secrets. I just want one woman in particular, that’s all.” I stopped walking abruptly.

A woman who was in front of me. Right now.

My heart and my cock both reacted the way they normally did around Savannah, tightening.

What were the odds? We were only a few blocks from her apartment but the timing was perfect.

She was pushing a stroller down the path in our direction. I’d recognize her anywhere. She had a colorful scarf wrapped around her neck, her hair piled on her head. She saw me a second after I saw her.

“Maddox!” she said, her mouth splitting into a smile as we met each other on the path.

“Hi,” I said, running my hand over Sully’s soft hair. “Hey, buddy.”

The baby made a sound and lifted his arms, the universal gesture to be picked up.

“Can I take him out?” I asked. “I know how hard it can be to get babies back in the stroller once they’re sprung.”

Savannah waved her hand. “No, it’s fine.” She smiled at Jana. “Hi, I’m Savannah.”

“Sorry,” I said as I unclicked Sully and picked him up. He instantly reached for my necklace and lifted it up. “Savannah, this is Jana, from Rebel Ink. Jana, this is Savannah. And this is Sullivan.” I took my necklace out of his grip when he started to shove it in his mouth and tossed it around so the skull was dangling on my back out of his reach.

“Nice to meet you.”

“You, too.” Jana was eyeing the situation with clear comprehension.

Savannah was a redhead.

Jana liked to assess things.

She was definitely onto me.

“How is the show going?” Savannah asked.

“So far, so good,” Jana said. “We’re done for the day. We were just going to grab something to eat if you want to join us.”

“Oh, thanks for the invite, but I have a ton of work to do. Maddox, are you okay with watching Sully later? I have a piece I have to turn in by tomorrow.”

“That’s fine. Just give me a time you want me there.”

“Perfect, thanks. I’m going to head home now. This working-mom thing is no joke.”

I lifted Sully up in the air so he squealed in delight, then pulled him down and kissed his chubby cheek. “See you later, little man.” I returned him to the stroller and clicked the strap to lock him in.

Savannah turned the stroller and waved goodbye.

I just watched her walk, appreciating her ass in her tight jeans.

“Bench. Now,” Jana said, pointing to a free park bench in the opposite direction.