"Aunt Alison drove up with some new boyfriend, and they decided to go skinny-dipping. I swam away to the raft to join Harley: they started to come out when suddenly she just went under."

"Oh no. She must have gotten a cramp. -Wheel me down, quickly."

I pushed her toward the dock. Daddy was already involved in resuscitating her. He was breathing into her mouth, feeling for a pulse, then he began CPR. Her body seemed limp, her eyes shut. My heart was thumping so hard. I thought I would simply fold up on the ground. She looked dead.

Daddy never panicked. He just went through his steps methodically, never looking up, never speaking. Uncle Roy, fully clothed except for his shoes, stood by. drenched. Harper had his jeans draped over his private parts as he sat dumbly on the edge of the dock watching. Harley came over to stand beside Mommy and int.

"Austin?" Mommy finally called. He shook his head but kept working.

Finally, some water trickled out of the corners of Aunt Alison's mouth and that was followed by spasmodic coughing. Daddy looked up and nodded. smiling.

"Summer, give me your towel," he called and I hurriedly did so. He draped it over her and gradually helped her to catch her breath. Immediately, she turned her head and vomited. After that, she groaned and leaned against Daddy.

"Let's get her into the house," he said. He lifted her carefully and carried her toward the house.

Uncle Roy looked at Harper.

"Get dressed," he ordered. "Didn't you see these two young people here?"

Harper moved as quickly as he could, abject terror in his face. I started to push Mommy up the path and Harley joined in to help me.

"I didn't know she was coming here." Mommy muttered. "It would have been just horrible, just horrible:"

"Your father's terrific," Harley said. "Man, he never blinked. He was looking right into the face of death and telling him to get going."

I nodded and smiled at him.

"It was Uncle Roy who got her out in time though," I reminded him.

"Yeah," he said looking back at Uncle Roy, who stood hovering like a prison guard over Aunt Alison's boyfriend, Harper. "I didn't know he could swim like that. Lucky he was out there. Or." he said glancing at me. "maybe it wasn't luck. Maybe he's been out there more often than we know."

Mommy put her hand on mine and looked up at me.

r />

I knew why.

Uncle Roy was always there, always looking out for her.

He was still looking out for her when he was watching over me.

I should be trembling. I thought. I should be so afraid after what had happened to me and what had nearly happened to Aunt Alison.

But I wasn't.

I had all these men about me: Daddy. Uncle Roy, and Harley.

It was like having a warm blanket wrapped around you whenever you even thought about trembling.

Harley had to leave us at the door.

"I better get out of my wet suit," he said.

"Come back," I urged. He knew I meant I was still shaken up from it all and wanted company.

"Sure." he said smiling.

He shot off toward his house like a track star.