"No." I said sharply. "Of course not."

"A bunch from my public school go skinnydipping at the creek." he said.

"Have you ever one with them?"

His hesitation was as good as a confession.

"I just wanted to see what it would be like," he said. "I only went once. I don't really like those guys,"

"What about the girls?" I immediately asked.

"Um... one or two of them might make the cover of Car and Driver," he said laughing.

I poked him.

"You're teasing, Harley Arnold. I bet you do have someone you never told me about."

"I do not," he insisted.

Before I could ask another question, he lifted his eyes from mine and said, "They're heading out here."

"Oh no."

I looked out and saw them swimming toward us.

"Let's just go back to the dock. We'll give them the raft." I decided.

"Now that's not being very polite," he said smiling. I stood up.

"Are you coming with me or not?"

"Take it easy. I'm just teasing you," he said.

Suddenly, we heard my aunt Alison scream, only this time the scream was not a scream of fun and excitement. It sounded like a scream of desperation.

"What's going on?" Harley wondered aloud. We watched as Harper stopped swimming. "Did she go under?" Harley asked. amazed. "Help!" we heard Harper cry.

Harley dove in and I followed. Just before I did. I heard another loud splash on my right. Both Harley and I swam as fast as we could. Harley was well ahead of me, but when I raised my head on my stroke. I saw another person silhouetted in the water. It was Uncle Roy. He was up and then under, and then I saw Aunt Alison's head bobbing as he dragged her back toward the dock. We reached Harper who was choking on some water and seemed to be struggling as well.

"Are you all right?" Harley asked him. "Yeah, yeah," he said, catching his breath.

I swam past them. Harley and Harper followed. Uncle Roy reached shallow enough water to stop swimming and scoop Aunt Alison into his arms, carrying her toward the dock.

"Uncle Roy, is she all right?" I screamed. "Go get your daddy," he called back to me.

As soon as my feet touched bottom. I waded in and then, without looking back. ran as fast as I could to the house. I went up the ramp instead of the stairs and practically tore off the front door lunging in.

"Daddy!"1 screamed. "Daddy hurry!"

He stepped out of the sitting room and looked at me, eyes wide.


"It's Aunt Alison. She nearly drowned. Uncle Roy pulled her out to the dock. Hurry!"

Mommy wheeled up behind him and followed as quickly as she could. Daddy leaped over the railing instead of taking the stairs and ran toward the dock where Uncle Roy had Aunt Alison lying on her back.

"What happened. Summer?" Mommy asked.