“Whoa, stranger! What’s up, Raegan?”

I turn to see Lance approaching. Thankfully, he doesn’t have Garrett with him. He joins me on the floor but just sits there.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m here.”

“I saw you kick ass the other day. I didn’t even know you were fighting. Howard never mentioned it, I just happened to show up.”

“Oh, really?” I wondered if anyone was asking about me. Whitney texted me every day to check on me, but I couldn’t ask her about Garrett; it would’ve been too awkward.

“Yeah. I don’t know if you heard, but Jack moved. His wife got this amazing job offer she couldn’t turn down in Dallas.” He slowly starts to stretch. “I’ve known him since I was four or five. That’s as long as I’ve known Garrett, too.”

I can feel the heat beginning to radiate from my cheeks. Of course Garrett would come up in conversation. “Oh, wow, that’s a long time,” I say, trying to pretend I’m not that interested.

“Yeah, practically grew up together.” He raises his eyebrow as I stand to walk to the weight benches. “You haven’t been avoiding him, have you?”

“Negative, Lance. Not everything in this universe revolves around him.” I pause, then add, “Why…does he think I’ve been?”

“You two crack me up. Seriously. Raegan, what are you doing tonight?”

“Uh, probably nothing. I think I have a fight tomorrow.” Lifting weights has become one of the easiest things I’ve done. Even with Lance trying to discuss Garrett, focus isn’t an issue.

“Come out tonight with me. Well, not with me, but as friends.”

I hand the bar back to him and sit up trying to catch my breath. “What’s the catch, Lance?”

“No catch, scout’s honor.”

“Fine, I’ll come for a little bit and that’s it.”

“Well, since you already agreed, I should go ahead and tell you I was never a boy scout so that honor shit means nothing to me.” His grin stretches a mile wide and I smack his arm as Howard calls me over.

Whitney gives me a quick hug before I get to Howard. She isn’t quite showing yet but she has the most adorable glow about her. She and Howard are going to be the cutest parents.

“I’m ready to start back with everyone else.”

He embraces me, then looks me in the eye before asking, “Everything at home okay?”

“Actually, yes, knock on wood. I’ve put all my winnings into a shoebox and I’m just waiting until I’m comfortable enough to get out.”

“Raegan, when you walked into here, I wasn’t sure you had what it took to hang around. But you proved me very wrong when you dragged Garrett down. He doesn’t lose. Period. And I guarantee he didn’t just let you do that to him.”

“Thank you for giving me a chance, Howard, it means the world to me. I love this.”

Howard raises an eyebrow and gives me a serious look. “Are you sure?”

“More than anything.”

“I just wanted you to know how great you’re doing. Get back out there and practice with Lance. Don’t hold back on him and he won’t hold back on you.” He pats my shoulder before he walks off. I’m glad he believes in me.

I never thought in a million years I could do anything like this. If I can win and keep winning, I can

still get out of the house like planned. Then Dad and I can work on our relationship, and maybe he’ll get back to his old self.


I walk into Joe’s wondering if it’s a good idea I came tonight. The last time I came here was with Garrett, and that night didn’t end anything like I hoped it would have. Spotting Lance is almost too easy. He’s next to the pool table trying to get some girl to show him whether she has a bra on or not. By the look of the blouse she’s wearing I am fairly positive she’s missing her bra. I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm.

“Hey, perv, I made it.”