“You’re killing my game, Raegan!” He chuckles as the girl makes a mad dash away from him. She nearly trips over her stilettos during her great escape and I have to suppress my laughter. He takes the last sip of beer before throwing it in the trash can. “Hey, be a doll and go get me a beer. I have a tab, get yourself something too.”

“What am I? Your bitch?”

“Not at all. What if I say pretty please with a cherry on top?” He has to be drunk; if not, he’s got a buzz. His face should be aching with how humongous his smile is.

“Whatever.” I stalk toward the bar and order a beer for him, and a panty dropper for myself. At least I know to take it easy this time.

“Well, well look who it is. Long time no see.”

I turn to see Garrett standing beside me wearing a shirt that is so tight it should be a crime. The sip I take is bigger than I intend and I find myself almost choking right there in front of the bar. His grin is quite seductive and it feels like a million jolts of electricity are shooting through me. Damn him and his sexy self.

“Uh, hey.” Son of a bitch. This is why Lance sent me over here. He set me up. I have to give him props though, I was blindsided.

Before he can say anything else, a blonde steps up beside him and begins running her hand down his chest to, practically grabbing for his dick. My eyes widen and my heart crumbles inside my chest. Just the sight of this makes me feel rejected and jealous at the same time, although I’m not sure why since we’re not together. I practically inhale my drink and order a second. So much for taking it slow. Lance is paying for this one.

I’m surprised to see Garrett move the girl’s hand and push her away. I block her out; if I don’t, I’ll vomit, and not from the alcohol.

He reaches out and puts his hand on mine. “Hey, slow down, you’re practically chugging that. You’re going to get sick.”

I shoot him an icy glare. “Don’t tell me what to do. Why don’t you go find your friend? No need to turn her away because of me.”

“Who are you here with?” The look on his face near breaks my heart. A twinge of jealousy shows in his eyes. At least I’m not the only one with that dreadful feeling. “The guy you talked to at the fight last week?”

“Um, no. I told you he’s my ex. Not that it’s any of your business. I came to meet Lance. He invited me. This is his beer, I should get it to him.”

“Wait.” He reaches out one more time and I feel a whole new jolt of electricity run through me. “Where have you been?”

The concern in his eyes makes me want to tell him, but I don’t. “I’ve just been training early but I’ve started back with everyone. Don’t act like you missed me,” I tease.

“Think what you want, Raegan.” He turns to the bartender and orders a shot.

“I’m fighting again. I have to be back in the ring.”

“What did you just say?” He tosses back the drink and slams the glass on the bar.

“You heard me.”

“Don’t do it, Raegan. Please. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“That’s sweet that you care, but you don’t have to. I’ll be fine. Case closed. I’m bringing Lance his beer.”

He ordered himself another shot and then a beer, and followed me around like a lost puppy. Lance was trying to work his magic on another unsuspecting girl. Once again, I ruined his attempt when I placed my hand on his chest and purred, “Hey, babe, here’s your beer.”

If his looks could kill, I’d be dead. I thought it was hilarious.

Chapter 12


I’ve thrown back five shots tonight ever since Raegan told me she was fighting again. I worry like hell about her and I can’t help it.

“Hey, Lance, did Raegan tell you what she’s going to do?” She shoots me an icy glare but I don’t give a shit right now. I want to pull her into my arms and beg her not to do it, but I don’t need her hating me.

“No, but I know what she’s doing tonight. She’s fucking cock-blocking me. Take her somewhere.” When she scowls, he adds, “I’m kidding, Raegan, I love you.”

“She’s going to keep fighting.”

Lance’s eyes grow wide and he throws his hands in the air. “Shit yeah, Raegan! I know you haven’t stopped but I’m totally cheering you on!” She meets his hand for a high five and this time, I scowl. These two are impossible. Lance spots one of the women from earlier, and he grins then tells us goodbye as he wanders off to try and master what he came here for.