Could she do it? Could she go to him and ask for another chance? Could she handle a place as big and chaotic as New York, when even now she found going into unfamiliar places difficult? She wanted to believe she could, but even now, panic threaded through her, cold and tight.

“I can’t leave Marvin,” she said.

“Oh, good heavens. You don’t even sound convincing saying that.” She pointed at Dan, who was tugging on the stick that was in Marvin’s mouth. “We’ll take care of him. We’re staying for at least another month.”

Brooklyn’s heart started to pound as she actually considered going to New York, fighting her demons along the way. “I don’t know if my passport is still valid.”

“Well, that might be a barrier. You should probably check.” Raelynn was smiling now, her eyes glowing. “And we’ll watch the house for you, too. Whatever you need.”

“Raelynn... I don’t know what to say. I’m still terrified. But I think I need to at least try, you know?” She swallowed against a lump in her throat. “I’ve been miserable since he left.”

“He’s a good man. And he loves you. Nothing in life is guaranteed, but please don’t miss out on what could be wonderful because you’re afraid to take a chance.” Raelynn nodded toward Dan. “Trust me, the rewards can be more than you ever dreamed.”

Someday, Brooklyn wanted to hear the story of Raelynn and Dan, but right now, she had some arrangements to make. She reached out and put her hand on Raelynn’s forearm. “Can you help me with the details? I don’t even know where to find him.”

Now Raelynn’s grin was wide. “Oh, yes. You find your passport. Then come up to the house and we’ll get everything arranged. I’ll help.”

Brooklyn called for Marvin and then looked at Raelynn as a fizz of excitement started to run through her veins. “Why are you so determined to set us up?”

“Oh, honey. Because Cole is a great boss, but the few days before he left? I don’t want to be stuck with that guy as my employer. He needs some Brooklyn sunshine in his life, stat.”

Brooklyn grinned, then hooked Marvin up to his leash once he knocked up against her knees, tongue out and happy. “Thank you, Raelynn. I’ll come back to the house when I’ve found my passport.”

Dan came up the dune behind Marvin. “All good?” he asked.

“Better than good.” Raelynn went to him and tilted her head up for a kiss. “We’re going to dog-sit.”

* * *

It had been years since Brooklyn had been on an airplane, and she’d found her passport though there was only six months left on it. Now she was buckled into her seat, preparing for landing at Newark airport.

The flight had been full, and since being trapped with no way out was one of the things that ramped up her anxiety, she’d spent most of the flight listening to a calming meditation app. It had helped.

With a couple of light bumps, they were on the ground, and before she knew it she’d grabbed her carry-on bag and was following the signs for ground transportation. She could do this. She could not hide forever, and this was a normal thing for most people.

It was better in the cab. The crush of people was held at bay and once she gave the driver the address, she sat back and watched the scenery as they left New Jersey for Manhattan. By ten thirty, she was dropped off outside a massive skyscraper. Inside were the executive offices of Abbott Industries, and Cole was in there, too. He didn’t know she was coming. She’d thought about calling him, but then didn’t want to in case she couldn’t go through with it. Or...for him to tell her not to. She shouldered her bag, straightened the thick wrap she wore, and made her way inside.

One step closer.

Up the elevator, ten, twenty, twenty-five floors...

The doors opened and she thought she might be sick. Instead, she took a deep inhale and stepped off the elevator. She’d tackled some big things. She’d got on a plane and come here, faced crowds and a bit of the unknown and all because Cole Abbott migh

t just be in love with her...and it was time she started living her life instead of settling for half of one. It had taken Cole to shake her out of that, so why would she let him slip away without fighting for him?

“May I help you?” The receptionist’s voice was warm and pleasant, and Brooklyn stepped forward.

“Oh, yes, I’m sorry. I’m here to see Cole Abbott.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t.” Oh, Lord, what if he wasn’t in the office today? Or stuck in meetings?

“He’s in a meeting at the moment, but I can let him know you’re here. It might be a bit of a wait, I’m sorry.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Your name, please?”