More misgivings. What if this woman said her name and he didn’t come out? “Brooklyn Graves,” she answered, that sick feeling overtaking her again. What was she even doing here?

Then she straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. She was here because for the first time in the past several years, something was more important to her than protecting herself. It was time she listened to her heart. And her heart said that there was something between her and Cole that was special, and that she’d been a fool to send him away as she had.

She kept going back to what Raelynn had said—that deep down they were the same sort of person, and the rest was just trappings. God, she hoped so.

So she waited in the seating area, dressed in a hand-knit shawl and clutching her ancient carry-on bag, daring to hope.

She didn’t have long to wait. Cole came rushing around the corner, his tie slightly askew, his hair ruffled. His gaze clashed with hers and he stopped abruptly and stared.

“It is you. I couldn’t believe it when I got the message.”

Brooklyn was light-headed and her knees shook as she stood. “She said you were in a meeting. I didn’t want to interrupt. I can wait...”

He shook his head. “No, the meeting can wait. We’ll break until this afternoon. Come with me so we can talk.”

She followed him down the hall to an office that was as big as her living room and kitchen combined. There was a massive desk on one side of the space, so neat and tidy she wondered if it was just for show. There was also a credenza and a five-foot filing cabinet, all in the same rich wood. In front of the desk was a smaller table with four chairs around it, as if for a small working group.

The other side of the office was made for comfort. There was a sofa, a couple of chairs, a beautiful glass-topped table; a couple of tall plants added some warmth to the space, and there was artwork on the walls. Best of all was the view of the river. She went to the window and stared out. This was such a different world from her own, but she found herself intrigued nonetheless.

“Surprised?” he asked.

“No.” She turned and offered a small smile. “But then, I have no frame of reference, really. Other than, I don’t know, movies.”

He chuckled, and his eyes softened. “God, it’s good to see you.” Her throat tightened, and she was about to respond when he added, “What are you doing here?”

This was the moment to be brave, wasn’t it? She’d come all this way, stepped out of her comfort zone, to be able to say the words she’d rehearsed. And now they were all gone.

His smile faded. “Is there something wrong? Did something happen?”

“Oh, no! Nothing like that. I’m that I’m here I’m not sure how...” She sighed, met his gaze. “You were right, Cole, and I was wrong.”

Lines furrowed his brow. “Wrong about what?”

She took a step forward, her pulse hammering with nerves, her breath short but feeling like she was on a train picking up speed, and no choice but to just go where it led. “About us. About me. You offered me something that I didn’t know how to accept. That I was afraid to accept, because it meant leaving my comfortable, safe life behind.” She ran her fingers through her hair. “Oh, Lord. What was I gonna do? Stay on that island forever, so I never had to put myself out there? How ridiculous.”

He took two strides and took her by the hands. “Not ridiculous. You went through something life-altering, and you sought out comfort. How can I judge you for that when I did the same thing?”

“You did?”

“Sure. What did I do after my dad died? I buried myself in work until I couldn’t hide from things anymore. And I thought I’d come a long way, but then there was you. I’ve never met anyone like you, Brooklyn. And yeah, maybe you were playing it safe, but you also know how to find joy in small things, to appreciate the simple, to value what money can’t buy. You were so good for me, how could I not fall for you?”

The anxiety fluttered away, but her pulse was still racing, this time with hope and anticipation. “Raelynn said that we are similar underneath the obvious differences. I still don’t know how to exist in your world. Maybe I’ll never fit in. But Cole, I want to try. You changed everything this fall. Ever since the robbery, I’ve merely existed. But with you, I felt so alive. So I’m here to say that if you still want to give us a chance, I’m in. You might have to be patient with me, is all.”

His smile grew until he was practically beaming. “You mean that.”

“I got on a plane and braved the big city to find you. Would I have done that if I didn’t mean it?”

“I’m sorry that you’re still afraid—”

She waved him off. “No, don’t be. The truth is, I’m still afraid because I’ve never made myself face it. I couldn’t face so many things. I alienated people. I don’t speak to my siblings enough, or my parents. I hide out on the island saying it’s all nostalgia but it’s not. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do. But that’s not the same thing, is it?”

He shook his head. “It’s not. I love what I do, too. But it’s a lonely thing going it alone. And any time I was with you, everything was brighter. I wasn’t lying, Brooklyn. I fell in love with you.”

“I fell in love with you, too. I was just doing what I always do—be scared. I think I’d like to try something different now.”

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “That’s such good news,” he whispered, kissing her hair by her temple. “Oh, Brooklyn, I’ve really missed you these past few weeks.”

“Me, too. I moped around all the time. Tried convincing myself that I’d been right, sending you away. I’m going to be honest. It didn’t take much convincing on Raelynn’s part. She played matchmaker, but I didn’t make it very hard for her.”