“He is,” Brooklyn answered, trying not to think of how nice that hug had felt. “And it’s good to see you, too.”

“Maybe now we’ve broken the ice and you can stop avoiding us,” Raelynn continued, while Dan added a shocked, “Rae!”

“No, she’s right,” Brooklyn said, shaking her head. “I have been. Things ended on a weird note with Cole, and I wasn’t sure what to say.”

“Cole wasn’t himself, either. He stomped around for the few days before he left. Wasn’t fit to be around, really.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault,” Raelynn said.

“Except maybe it is.” Brooklyn watched Marvin as he raced around the dune below. “I didn’t give him the answer he wanted.”

“Yeah, well, he’s still responsible for his reaction. So there.”

“Rae...” Dan’s voice held a weary caution that Brooklyn found funny. It was so very...couple-ish. Clearly they’d already had this conversation.

Marvin brought back a piece of driftwood and Dan said, “That’s my cue.” He took the stick and went down to the beach to play some fetch.

Raelynn watched him go. “He’s mad at you for breaking Cole’s heart.”

Brooklyn gaped at her. “Breaking his heart? I don’t think I’m capable of that.”

“Oh, I think you are.” Raelynn’s eyebrows shot up as she spoke. “He’d really fallen for you.” Brooklyn opened her mouth to protest but Raelynn held up a hand. “I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just saying that was the result.”

Brooklyn didn’t know what to say. She finally sighed and said, “We’re too different. It would never work.”

“Really, too different? I can’t see how.”

Brooklyn made a sound that was half scoff, half disbelief. “Come on, Raelynn. Look at his life, look at mine. He’s a freaking billionaire, and I’m...well, I’m a thousandaire. That’s about the size of my savings account.”

Raelynn laughed. “Oh, for Pete’s sake. That’s just money. That’s all...window dressing. It’s in here that counts.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “I’ve known Cole a while now. I’ve never seen him light up like he did with you. Or laugh. Maybe he needs someone like you. You ground him in a way bank accounts and employees never can, Brooklyn. And you need him, too.”

“I do?”

Raelynn met her gaze evenly. “You’re hiding away here. He can pull you out of that fear and uncertainty. And why shouldn’t you enjoy some of the finer things?” She raised an eyebrow. “It won’t change you, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’re too stubborn.”

Brooklyn choked on a laugh, but she kept thinking of what Raelynn had said about Cole lighting up. She’d lit up too, every time he’d walked into a room or into her front yard.

“Cole is not stuck up. If anything, he’s crying out for love. He didn’t have much as a kid, as far as I can tell. He’s had a lot of advantages, but not that. And yet he’s one of the most giving people I know, expecting nothing in return.”

Brooklyn knew well enough. She’d tried to wire the money for the hotel and vet bill to him, but he’d refused the transfer. She’d thought it was because he was still angry with her. But now she wondered if it was more than that.

“I hurt him, but I didn’t mean to.”

“We know that. Despite Dan’s attitude, we both know that. But we also think you’ve made a big mistake, turning him away when you could take a chance on him. On you as a couple.”

Silence fell for a few minutes. They listened to the crash of the waves, and the wind, and the plaintive wail of the gulls soaring overhead. It was cold, and Brooklyn shoved her hands into her jacket pockets before her fingers turned numb.

“I’m afraid,” she finally said.

“We’re all afraid of something,” Raelynn answered, her voice steady and sure. “Every damned one of us. We can either let our fear rule us, or we can reach out for what we want and deserve in spite of it. Something made you quit, Brooklyn. Something made you wrap yourself in what was comforting and familiar. And that’s okay for a while, but don’t you want more? Don’t you want love and excitement of the best kind, and surprises and...and life?”

Tears pricked the back of Brooklyn’s eyes. It was basically what Cole had said to her, but without the blaze of hurt and rejection behind it. That she was avoiding life and playing it safe, and giving up the opportunity for something wonderful.

Because in all her life, there’d never been anything as wonderful as being in Cole’s arms.