“What’ll I get?” he asked, eyes remaining on the TV.


He cast a glance at me. “To throw the game. To take a dive I’ll need—” he eyed me again, lopsided sexy grin firmly in place, “—compensation.” The drop in his voice accompanied by the lustful twinkle in his eye had me shaking my head.

G-rated words or not, my sexy husband had a knack for making everything sound dirty. I swallowed hard and pressed my legs together. Shawn continued to squeal as “he” drove his car.

“I’ll play with your joystick,” I replied after a beat.

A spin-out followed by a crash into the wall and excited laughter from Shawn. I did a mental fist bump at being able to throw him off, unfolded myself from the couch, and walked over to the table. I could feel his eyes on me, a feeling that was confirmed when I returned with the jar.

“My joystick, huh?” Amusement glistened in his eyes.

I rolled the jar around in my hand and shrugged, doing my damnedest to remain nonchalant. “It fits. It’s a stick, sorta. More like a tree trunk, but that doesn’t have the same ring. But it brings me joy, so joystick.”

Our gazes remained locked, and I lost the battle of keeping a smile off my face. Shawn dropped his controller and climbed into my lap, reaching for the jar in the process. He wrapped his chubby hands around it

and shook, giggling at the subtle rattle created.

“So, do I get to win?”

Mal stretched his arm along the back of the sofa and crossed his ankles, the smile never leaving his face. “Hell, yeah. I’ll throw every dam— dang game we play.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed at myself over how easily I fell into his traps. Taking the jar back from Shawn was met with whining, which was quickly squashed when Mal handed him the controller.

It’d been about two weeks since his first pick, so it was my turn. My heart thudded with anticipation. Another quick shake before I unscrewed the top, closed my eyes, and pulled out one of the pieces of paper. I unfolded it, read it, looked up at Mal, and then read it again. Two words. Two fucking words that were like being dumped in an ice bath.

“Don’t leave me in suspense. What’s up first?”

The eagerness in his voice cut through the threads of anxiety that were starting to take hold. I balled my left hand into a fist and shoved it between my thighs to keep from stroking my rings. He’d know right away and I didn’t want to ruin this for him.

I took a breath and turned it so he could see. “Really?”

He sat forward, read it, and laughed. “Dam— dang straight. And there will be—” he cupped his hands around his mouth and mouthed “sex,” “—in the boom-boom room.”


Private Dancer


The knock at the door followed by the rattle of the knob being jiggled made me jump. I’d taken the time it took him to put Shawn down for the night to get the room ready. Everything was set for me to put on his show.

“Um, Ginger. Why am I locked out?” His voice held a slight hitch and the words were spoken slowly.

I glanced around one last time before running over.

“Close your eyes,” I called through the barrier.


“Please, just do it.”

“Okay. Fine. They’re closed.”

I unlocked the door and peeked out. His eyes were indeed closed. Fingering the satin eye mask in my hand, I bit the inside of my cheek. Too late to back out now. Lifting up on my tiptoes, I stretched the elastic band around his head.

He raised his hands up to move it. “What the…?”