She reached up and stroked my cheek. “We need a shower.”

I took one of her sweet nipples into my mouth. “Mmm, but I like you like this.”

She swung a leg over to straddle me. “Keep that up and I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

I slid my hands up her sticky thighs until they met between her legs, stroking her with my thumbs. “I’ll carry you.”




“Mommy monster will get you,” I said, chasing after Shawn.

His infectious giggles filled the space as he ran around the table. “No mons’er.”

I ran around the other side, scooped him up, and attacked his neck with kisses. My sweet little boy never failed to brighten my day. Keeping him from being spoiled was a losing battle between my parents and my in-laws, and especially his daddy. His daddy officially as of two months ago. I’d presented him with the paperwork on our wedding night, and when the final adoption papers came, Malcolm had been so content and at peace seeing them.

I swung Shawn around to my back, and he instantly wrapped his arms around my neck like the little monkey he was. Holding on to his legs, I headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

“All right, kiddo, time for food.”

I got him settled in his high chair, smoothed the hair from his face, and placed a kiss on the top of his head. He smiled up at me, his bright blue eyes shining. How would he handle being a big brother? Our little family would grow at some point, and I hoped Shawn would take to having to share attention, unlike my sister. My biggest worry—he’d be like Dorian and take way too long to accept his sibling. Or siblings, as Malcolm always said.

I ran my hand across my stomach. Our family was definitely going to grow. It was only a matter of timing. The idea of having Malcolm’s child wrapped around me like a warm blanket. He’d be a great father—he was a great father. And I had not a single worry things would change in his relationship with Shawn.

After cutting up an apple into bite-sized pieces, I spread them onto his tray while I prepared the rest. The alarm chimed, getting my attention. Joy radiated through me at the sight of my husband walking through the door. He’d been in North Carolina only three days for his monthly sales meeting, but not having him beside me at night made it feel much longer. His mere presence had my body reacting with need. It was as if a part of me went dormant in his absence, a fact that both excited me and scared me. Needing him the way I did terrified me because the side of me that worried about the world ending never completely went away. I tried not to let it take hold too often, chose to focus more on the good.

“Hey, baby.” He slid his hand along my lower back and greeted me with a kiss. The tickle of his beard, the smell of his cologne, all sparked a tingle between my legs and sent my heart into overdrive.

The kiss was cut short by the eager squeals of Shawn, who wanted his father’s attention. Malcolm popped one of the apple bits into his mouth before freeing Shawn from his chair.

“How’s my big boy? Did you take care of Mommy while I was gone?”

An excited “yes” was followed by laughs when Mal tickled him.

“You hungry?”


I received another quick kiss before he took his suitcase, with Shawn in tow, upstairs. By the time they returned I had two paninis ready for us and a PB&J sandwich waiting for Shawn. I cut my eyes at Malcolm when he set his jar beside my plate. He winked before putting our son back in his chair.

We ate, talked about his trip, with him being overly dramatic when he informed me how his parents weren’t as excited to see him since he was alone. Complete with a pout and nonsense about being replaced as favorite. As much as I wanted to travel back to our home state with him each month, separation was good. Making the heart grow fonder and all that as the saying went.

Afterwards, Mal cleaned the kitchen while I took Shawn upstairs to change his dirty clothes. I longed for the day when he’d eat and get most of his food in his mouth and not on his clothes, or in his hair. When we returned downstairs, Mal sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He put it down to pick up Shawn, who ran right to him, eager to play video games. I tried not to feel slighted that my two-year-old refused my attempts to play with him on a gaming system he didn’t even understand.

“You know he wouldn’t play with me,” I said, taking a seat beside two of the most important males in my life.

Malcolm turned and licked his lips as he eyed me. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll play with you.”

My only response was to press my lips together and look away. His double meanings and blatant innuendoes still had the ability to render me speechless. Knowing him, they probably always would, and I didn’t mind that one bit. My body yearned for him, and I couldn’t stop myself from checking the clock to see how close nap time was.

When I faced him again, Mal’s cocky smirk remained in place as he cast a quick glance at me before hitting start on the game.

I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes. “Will you let me win?”

He smiled. That fucking, full-faced, I’m-in-trouble-because-I can’t-resist-him smile, and I was thankful Shawn sat between us. It meant he had to keep his responses G-rated. Happy, loud squeals stole our attention. The tiny human between us moved the buttons on the broken controller while Mal did the actual racing of the cartoon car on the screen.