“Not according to the address Natalie gave me. I’m at a community building and there’s a bunch of people here.” My stomach drops when I see Keira jogging my way. I glance around at all the people, hugging, laughing, and seeming happy to see one another. “Mom, I think she lied to me.”
“What are you talking about, Keelan?” Her voice is stern like she’s about to chastise me, but I know it’s just from where her frustration.
“I’m saying I think she’s bombarding me with a freaking family reunion!” I snap. There is no way I want to meet all these people! “Hold on; Kiera is about to say something.” I get out of my car just as she approaches with a smile on her face. “What is this?” I ask, not giving her a chance to speak.
Her smile falls. “Mom didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” I grit.
“She wanted you to meet more of the family. She said she told you it was a reunion.”
“Keelan,” Mom’s voice sounds in my ear. She must have heard what Kiera said. “You’re already there. Stick close to Keira if you want. Give it an hour before you come home.”
“But—” I start; no, I shouldn’t have to stay when I was in no way expecting to meet what looks to be fifty people or more.
“I know, and I’d be angry too, but I’m telling you what I want you to do. Once you’re on the way home, I will have a conversation with Natalie and handle it, okay?”
I groan. “Fine.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.” I hang up and stuff my phone into my pocket.
“Sorry, I thought you agreed to it,” Keira says, looking as if she’s the guilty party here.
“She told me I was meeting her sister. That’s it. Don’t feel bad; it’s not your fault.” I take a deep breath. “Let’s go, I guess.”
Keira smiles, happy I’m not speeding out of here like I want to. She loops her arm through mine and begins dragging me toward the madness. We bypass the people hanging around the entrance. There are rows of tables lined up and at the front of the room is dish upon dish of food. At least it smells good, and I’ll get a good meal out of this.
I spot Natalie, but she doesn’t see us yet. Keira doesn’t take us to see her though. There’s a woman who looks older than Natalie, but not as old as my mom, sitting at a table alone for the moment. Her face lights up when she sees us.
“Aunt Frances, he’s here and you’re the first person I’ve brought him to meet,” Kiera says as the woman stands, this woman who is my aunt.
“Thank you.” She looks at me. “I’m a hugger. Is that okay?”
I nod, thankful she asked. Aunt Frances steps forward and hugs me tight.
“It’s so nice to see you again,” she whispers. Her perfume seems familiar. “I’ve thought about you a lot.” She pulls away. “Have a seat.” We sit back down at her table. “Keira has told me a lot about you, but I’d like to hear it from you.”
Something about her puts me at ease. Is it odd that I almost, sort of, kind of remember her? It’s like this vague memory with a younger image of this woman. The overall feeling is positive; maybe that’s why I seem to like her already. she was the one who took care of me the most when I was younger.
“Where do you want me to start?” I ask.
“Tell me about your family.”
I grin. She recognizes them as my family, and that’s already more than what Natalie has done. “I have a brother. His name is Cameron, and we are the same age. My parents, Octavia and John, were looking to adopt one kid, but they adopted us both to keep us together. We play football for our high school and we’re pretty close. My whole family is. My parents are in their last year of teaching at the local elementary school before they finally retire. They’re truly the best people I know. I couldn’t ask for better parents.”
Aunt Frances smiles. “I’m glad to hear that. I hope I can meet them one day. Keira said you have a girlfriend, too.”
I glance over at my sister. “Is that the only thing you do? Talk about me all the time?” I tease.
She laughs. “Not all the time, and in my defense, Aunt Frances asks me like twenty questions about you every day.” Keira rolls her eyes. “I’m going to catch up with some cousins. You’re in safe hands, Keelan.”
“Thanks,” I reply as she stands.
Once she’s gone, my aunt leans forward. “So, how are you doing with being here and getting to know Natalie and Keira?”
I shift in my seat, unsure if being honest is the best thing. Even though I like her enough already, I don’t know if I can trust that feeling. “Fine. Kiera is a good kid. I didn’t know I was coming to a reunion though, so it threw me off at first.”