She shakes her head. “I told Natalie she needed to be honest with you about that, but she wouldn’t listen. She didn’t think you would come if she did.”

“I wouldn’t have,” I interject.

“And don’t think I didn’t notice how you didn’t comment on her either,” she continues. “She wants you to know us, but I don’t agree with her on her methods. We’ve never agreed on a lot of things, even now. There’s only two things we ever agreed on; her kids were better off with me, but then I couldn’t take care of you both.” Her inhale is slow and measured as if she’s trying to stay in control of her emotions. “The image of you being taken away has always haunted me. I’m so happy that you ended up with good people. I’m certain they’ve given you a better life than I or Natalie ever could.”

Before I can respond, I unfortunately hear Natalie’s voice shout, “Keelan! My boy is here, y’all!”

Her boy?

I wonder if there will ever be a time when her claiming me as her kid won’t bother me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see her walking quickly toward me as everyone has momentarily stopped talking to watch. I begrudgingly stand. She lays a hand on my shoulder blade and speaks to the room.

“This is Keelan, everyone. I’m sure you’re as thrilled as I am that he came to meet his family. This truly is a reunion.”

If I wasn’t the center of attention, I would roll my eyes. Instead, I have to will my facial muscles into a smile as a few hoots and claps sound around the room.

“Let me introduce you to everyone.”

Natalie drags me away from the safety of the corner of the room. She’s not even going to apologize or mention how she set me up? I guess I’ll have to double check with Keira from now on about the plans I make with Natalie. My anger rises more and more as she introduces me to countless people as her son. The longer she pretends we’re some sort of happy family and I’ve just come home from an extended trip or something fuels the fury.

Eventually, we sit down to eat and Natalie frowns when I sit between Keira and Frances. Tough shit. I’ve stayed beyond my hour. Partly because I want hang out with the people on either side of me more and partly because Natalie wouldn’t let me walk away from her for five seconds. I’ve had to tell my life story like a million times. As soon as I finish eating, I’m leaving, no matter what. I’m tired, annoyed, angry, and ready to go home.

I ask Keira about her dance, so she’ll talk about that while we eat. Natalie can’t try to make conversation with me if someone else is talking and has my attention. In fact, I ignore her completely and only speak to either Kiera or Frances. It’s weird to be here with them. I mean, it’s weird to be surrounded by people who are related to me whom I’ve never met, but to enjoy hanging out with at least two of them startles me.

I’ve had my heels digging into the ground for this entire experience, mostly with good reason, and I’m able to relax around my aunt and sister. Whether that will ever happen with Natalie is highly unlikely. I’ll still try to give her a chance, but she rubs me the wrong way, and she has since the moment I opened her letter. My gut instinct has been telling me to run the other way.

And right now, I’m going to listen to it.

“I’m leaving. It’s a bit of a drive home and Mom doesn’t want me coming back too late,” I say.

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll understand if you want to stay longer,” Natalie insists.

“Probably, but I don’t want to put off the drive back.” I stand as do Frances and Keira. “It was nice to meet you.”

Aunt Frances pulls me into a hug. “You too. Is it okay if Keira gives me your number?” she whispers into my ear and I nod.

Kiera throws her arms around me the moment I turn to face her. “I wish you didn’t have to go so soon.”

“If you want, I can ask my mom if you can stay over one weekend. Haley and Jess can come too.” If she’s talking to Cameron by then.

“Really?” Her grin and excitement are contagious.

“Won’t hurt for me to ask.”

“If not,” Natalie begins, “you can always spend the weekend with us.”

Yeah, I don’t think so. I nod, but say to Kiera, “I’ll let you know.”

Once I’ve said my final goodbyes, I walk outside to my car, texting Mom that I’m about to leave and smiling when I see a text from Haley. I text her before driving.

Haley: How did it go?

Keelan: Long story. Want to go up the water tower tonight?

Haley: Same time as usual?

Keelan: Yep.

Haley: I’ll be ready. :)