“Good.” I hear him open the fridge when he adds, “Did you know Glen is back together with his ex?”
“What?” I scramble to turn and face him, frowning. “Why? She broke his heart and he's with her again? When did this happen? I just saw him and he never mentioned it!”
“Earlier this week, he ran into her and they started talking. They decided to give it another go. He seems happier.” Emerson shrugs as if that's that, end of discussion.
I drop my chin as I eye him skeptically. “Of course he's happy right now, but what about when she dumps him again? You know as well as I do that he'll be worse than he was before. I don't like this.”
“It's not your decision,” he reminds me. “Maybe they'll be better this time.”
“Ha,” I scoff. “I liked her until she had to go and break my cousin's heart and for what?” Suddenly, it hits me that Glen never would tell me why they broke up. I discard my textbook, sitting up on my knees and folding my arms on the back of the couch. “You know why they broke up, don't you? Tell me right now, Emerson.”
“I need to shower,” he calls over his shoulder as he starts walking down the hallway.
He laughs, ignoring me completely.
“I'll remember this the next time you want to have sex,” I call out. He still doesn't turn around to tell me, which makes me all the more curious. What could have happened that Glen wouldn't tell me and wouldn't want Emerson to tell me? Huffing with dissatisfaction, I reluctantly return to my textbook.
EVA HAS BEEN unusually quiet about the Glen ordeal since I refused to tell her what happened with him and his girlfriend, Lori, to make them break up the first time. Today, the guys and I were together to watch football. Tonight is the first night in a week that Eva isn't here. Her comforter isn't even on the bed since I washed my sheets this morning. Hers was the last thing I washed and I forgot to get it from the dryer.
My bed feels empty without the comforter and practically deserted without Eva. It was only seven days together and yet, I'm already missing our routine and having her here. She hasn't even texted me since she left. I didn't realize I would miss her so much after only like twelve hours. I didn't miss her this much before.
I grab my phone and text her.
Me: What have you done to me?
Her reply is quick.
Eva: I've made you awesome. ;) But I don't think that's what you mean, so explain.
Me: I miss you.
Eva: Awwwwwwwww.
Me: The best reply would have been something like: I miss you too, Emerson. Want me to come home instead of staying at the crappy dorms?
This time, I have to wait a few minutes before I get a new text, and as I realize why that may be, Eva confirms it with her response.
Eva: I didn't know I should consider your place home.
Emerson: You have a toothbrush here. You have soap, deodorant, a razor, a comforter, and you've left some clothes here. You practically live with me already.
Eva: Except I don't.
Shit. This is what happens when I don't think before I text. All I wanted to do was tell her I missed her and now, we're on the topic of how she doesn't live here.
“Regretting what you said?”
My gaze jerks up to see Eva standing in the doorway, dressed in her pajamas. “No. What are you doing here?” I didn't hear her come in.
She shrugs one shoulder. “I was missing you too. I had just parked when you texted me.” She walks in and drops her bag at the foot of the bed. She stops short of crawling into bed. “Where's my comforter?”
“In the dryer. I'll get it.”
She gets in bed while I get out. A minute later, I return with her comforter. We lie in bed, the silence enveloping us. Eva turns onto her side and I do the same.
“Why were you missing me?”