Page 87 of Without a Doubt

Her question throws m

e off. “What do you mean why? You have all the great adjectives and I can't enjoy those traits if you aren't here.”

“That makes sense,” she grins, causing me to laugh. “This is probably my official last consecutive night here,” she adds. “Catherine needs my awesomeness too, you know. Although, I could be persuaded to spend more time here if you tell me why Glen's relationship ended.”

I reach out, grab her hips, and tug her closer to me. “Not happening, Eva.” She glares at me. “What if you did live here?” I ask, tracking back to our text conversation.

“You're only saying that because you've had me around all week.”

Okay, I wasn't expecting that reply and my frown shows as much. I guess Drunk Eva really does have different wants than Sober Eva.

“Having me around 24/7 might hurt us instead of help us. And are you even sure this is what you want? You don't want to keep me around because you're still hurting, do you? Wouldn't it be too soon? We just started saying I love you. I can keep coming over a few times a week, Emerson.”

“Eva,” I interrupt before she can break my heart further by continuing to speak. “What happened to having no more doubts? I love you without a doubt. I want you without a doubt. Now, tomorrow, and every day after that. If you're not ready, then say so, but it shouldn't be because you aren't one hundred percent confident in us and our relationship.”

“It's not that,” she begins.

“Yes, it is. Otherwise you wouldn't have said what you did.”

“No, it's not,” she says forcefully. “I've been thinking about it, too, but I convinced myself you obviously weren't ready because I figured if you were, you would have asked when you gave me a key. But you didn't.”

So, now it can only make sense that I want her to move in because she's been here all week? “When did you start thinking about it?”

“This week,” she replies with a wince.

“Oh, really? Are you sure you want that? Having me around 24/7 might hurt us instead of help us, Eva. Are you even sure this is what you want? You don't want to stay because you think things might change if you aren't around me, do you? It has to be too soon,” I throw her words back at her in a monotone voice, leveling my gaze on her.

“Okay, okay. I see your point. I'm sorry, Emerson. I was suddenly nervous and you know how I'll blurt out whatever comes to mind when that happens.”

“So, we'll discuss this?” She nods. “Is there any reason why you haven't moved into an apartment yet?”

“I like staying with Catherine and being on campus. She has a scholarship and in order to get the funds, she has to live on campus. Mine don't have one of those restrictions. So, I stayed with her instead of getting an apartment.”

“And you're okay with possibly leaving her to live with me?”

She doesn't hesitate. “Yeah.”

“My lease is a six-month lease and rent, which is six hundred dollars, covers everything. We could split the rent and take turns buying groceries?”

She nods in agreement. “When do you want me to move in?”

“As soon as you want or at the end of the semester. I have one request though.” Eva raises an eyebrow. “Burp the abc's for me.”

Her jaw drops and I laugh. “Emerson! No. God, I had all but forgotten about that.”

“Oh, come on. You're bound to let one slip sooner or later. Just get to E and I'll be happy.”

She covers her face with her hands. “I'm not moving in with you,” she mumbles, her voice muffled by her hands. She drops them. “I'm your girlfriend, Emerson. You realize that, right? Why in the world would you want to ruin the amazing image you have of me by having me burp A to E?”

“You're going to live with me, Eva. I'm trying to get some of the awkward things out of the way now, so it's less awkward and embarrassing.”

“So, what? Are we going to start having farting contests soon? No. Emerson, just no. Let's live in ignorant bliss and pretend I'm not capable of those things. If it ever happens, I expect you to ignore it completely.” My laughter earns me a glare. “I don't understand why you want to hear me burp.”

“Because on some weird level, it's a bit impressive. I can't do it.”

“It's unladylike.”

“So is being nosey, blurting out that you're on your period, and it's just plain rude to adjust the settings in my truck. You're way past behaving like a lady already.” That earns me a slap on the shoulder. “Come on,” I try to coax her. “I'll love you for the rest of my life,” I promise. It's a given already, but it can't hurt to say it.