“A simple 'you're welcome' would suffice.”

“I know,” he grins. “Back to work missy.”

With that, he ignores me and goes back to studying. Sighing, I focus on my work until I'm exhausted and finished. My face is smushed against my book and a dull ache penetrates through my skull. My eyes flutter until they close for good. It's not the most comfortable of pillows, but it does the job.

That is, until Jake shakes me awake.

“What,” I ask, clearly ill.

“Go change and get in bed.”

Grudgingly, I do so. When I come out of the bathroom, Jake has the bed cleared off and the covers thrown back.

“Lay on your stomach,” he instructs.

Jake straddles me and begins to knead my shoulders. I close my eyes as the pleasant motions of Jake's hot hands put me at ease. Before I know it, I'm asleep.



I massage Emily until I feel all of the tension leave her muscles. Once done, relief flows through my cramped hands. I head to the bathroom to prepare for bed. When I crawl in beside Emily, she gravitates to me until we are tangled together. Soon, my eyes shut and I slip into a peaceful sleep.

“Jake,” I hear in the distance as something pushes against me.

“Jake,” it comes again, louder this time. I open my eyes to see Emily propped up on her elbow beside me.

“What is it, Sweetness?” I ask with a yawn.

“I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. Will you stay awake with me?”

“Of course. C'mere.”

Emily nestles against me, filling the empty space between my body and hers. I rest my chin on the top of her head and close my eyes.



“Don't fall asleep.”

“I won't,” I yawn.

“Yes you will. Please Jake.”

Leaning back, I look at her. The rims of her eyes are red and puffy. My lips graze hers twice before I use my tongue to part her lips and give her a sultry kiss.

“Feel better?”

Sweetness laughs softly. “A little bit.”

“What's the matter?”

“I'm sure it's nothing...”

“Sweetness, c'mon. Open up that coconut.”

She rolls her eyes with a smile, but it quickly vanishes. “When I woke up, I, um, I couldn't remember the past few days. Jake, what if I keep forgetting? What if next time I forget more than just a few days?”