“Hey,” he says, stepping in and closing the door behind him.

“I was hoping it was you and not Drake,” I say as I hook my bra. Jake wraps his arms around my bare waist as I stand back up with my shirt in hand. He kisses my shoulder as his hands run down my arms.

“Why didn't you wake me so I could go home? Dad's probably worried.”

“No, he isn't. I called him last night to let him know you'd be staying with me,” he says in between feather kisses on my shoulder.

Leaning in to him, my muscles relax and there's no other place I rather be. Jake takes a step backwards, slaps my butt, and tells me to get dressed.

With a giggle, I slip on my shirt. I follow Jake downstairs where breakfast is waiting for me. Drake and Mr. Benson are in the living room watching cartoons. I take a seat in Jake's lap. In front of me is a plate full of eggs, grits, bacon, and a biscuit.

“Do you think I need this much food, love?”

Chuckling is the answer I get. I dig in and savor the taste of the delicious food. The feel of sturdy legs beneath me and a lean but muscular torso behind me make me feel at home. Completely comfortable and relaxed.

“How about we go ice skating today? Coach probably left the rink open.”

“Sounds like fun. We can see Drake in action.”

Watching Drake and Jake skate around the rink while I take my time makes me think. They say that whatever is meant to be will happen. That if a love is true, it will always come back to you. Bullshit. You can't wait around for love to come back or for something to happen. You have to make it happen. Have you ever heard of someone accomplishing their dreams by waiting around because 'what is meant to be will happen'?


Those people fought for what they wanted and loved. They didn't lean back and wait for their dreams to come rushing at them. Each and every one made their dream come true. They found love because they were searching for it. They didn't let anything get in their way. Every day for the rest of my life, I will fight for my love and my dreams. I will work to make things stick together instead of working to make them fall apart.

People in love can't just be on the same page, but on the same word of the same line of the same page. Each has to work together to build a beautiful masterpiece that only their puzzle pieces can do. Some edges are smooth and round, while others are jagged and harsh. Together, though... Together, they fits with a love so sweet that neither person can ever live without. I know because I tried and it almost broke my heart.

The rest of Christmas break is going to be spent in bed with Jake. Even though I've been with him since the wreck, I and all that I am has not been with him. I want to relish in this simple luxury.

It is a gift as sweet as the charm bracelet he gave me. It's something that I'll never take for granted again. I think Jake learned this lesson as well. Without realizing it, we took each other, our relationship and our love for granted. Of course we cherished it, but not in the same way as we do now.

“Sweetness,” Jake calls.

Looking up from my bracelet, I see Jake skating towards me.

“Everything okay? You aren't skating.”

“Yeah,” I say looking into those green beauties.

A smile captures his lips. Grabbing my hands, Jake pulls me with him and we glide across the ice to Drake. What a wonderful day.


I pick up the slack that is apparent in my schoolwork. One semester down. One to go. I can't believe that I've already completed a semester of college. There's no way I could have done it without Jake. Laying on our bed, studying over a book, I glance over at him.

He's chewing on the cap of his pen and his eyebrows are scrunched together as he studies. As if he knows I'm looking, he cocks his head to the side and looks over at me. That mischievous smile smirks at me. My body leans towards him and I gingerly lay my lips upon his.

The kiss is tempting us towards more and better things. With my eyes still closed, I end the kiss and pull away.

“Thank you,” I say in a hushed tone.

“What for?”

“Everything. Anything. I love you,” I finish as I open my eyes.

“I love you too, Sweetness. You should thank me more often for all of my extraordinary talents and traits.”

A giggle escapes and I playfully smack him on the arm for ruining my moment.