“Shh. I'm sure everything's okay. We'll make sure when we go to the doctor tomorrow for your checkup. Relax and go to sleep. I'm right here.”

Sweetness snuggles closer to me and her arms squeeze tighter around me. My hands flow up and down her back, easing her into a calm enough state to fall asleep. She's asleep in minutes. I'm right behind her.

A firm grasp on my shoulder shakes me awake. Turning away from Sweetness, I stretch. Sweetness is eying me as I turn to face her.

“Everything okay,” I yawn.

“Yeah, we need to get ready.”

Doing the opposite, she cuddles up to me and gives me a kiss. I get the sense that Sweetness is uneasy.

“I'll admit that I'm a bit nervous.”

“If it happens, it happens. We made it once, we can surely do it again. Go on and get dressed.”

With a quick kiss on the forehead, I pull the covers away and drag her to the shower with me. Time is running short on us, leaving no play time.

“We'll grab something to eat on the way. Ready?”

“Yeah,” Sweetness confirms grabbing my hand. She tugs me out the door and to the car. We drive across the city to the hospital where Emily will meet with the neurologist for an update. Emily holds my hand the entire way there. Not that I mind.

I kiss her hand a couple of times while we sit in the half empty waiting room. The white walls, black chairs, bright, white lights surround us. The hospital smell that everyone knows and can easily recognize engulfs us.

“Emily Johnson?”

My head snaps towards the nurse. Simultaneously standing, we follow her down the hallway with doors on each side until we come to an open door.

The nurse leads us inside and Emily takes a seat on the bed. I take my place beside her and the nurse checks Emily's vitals.

“How have you been since the last time you were here?”

“Good. I remember now.”

The nurse beams. “That's wonderful news! I'm sure Dr. Jung will be thrilled to hear that. Just sit tight and he'll be with you in a few minutes.”

The nurse leaves and the 'few minutes' turns into thirty. Dr. Jung is a tall, broad, muscular man who is bald. I never would have thought he was a doctor if I saw him on the streets.

“Ms. Johnson, I hear that you've retained your memory. That's wonderful. Any headaches? Unusual pain? Anything like that?”

“I've had a few headaches. Last night, I woke up and couldn't remember that past few days. It came right back after a few minutes though. Is that normal?”

“The brain is unpredictable. Everyone is different. If it keeps reoccurring, come back. Otherwise, I'd say that you are healthy.”

As we thank the doctor and take our leave, an idea pops into my mind. I hook an arm around Emily and lead her to the car. After twenty minutes of driving in the 'wrong' direction, Emily comes

to attention.

“Where are we going?”

“There's a new place that I want to try.”

She rests her head on the headrest and closes her eyes. I snag her hand and place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Suddenly, Sweetness turns towards me.

“Let's go get some ice cream.”

“Have you been reading my mind?”

“Maybe. You're not the only one with incredible traits.”