“Oh fuck,” he said, rubbing his hands down his face. Yeah, Regg. Shit just got real. Luke laughed without humor, as he shook his head at Marty’s response.

“None of my business, huh?” Luke said, still smiling in disbelief. “She is my fucking business!” He suddenly yelled, causing me to jump. Maybe I should say something. Maybe Maddie should. I looked at Maddie as she chewed on her lip, clearly thinking the same thing I was. I nudged her, and that was all the encouragement she needed.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” she asked, jumping down from the table, and standing next to Marty.

“Sit the fuck down Maddie and stay outta this,” Luke snapped, and this time it was Marty who sent chills down my back with just the tone of his voice.

“Watch how you speak to her, brother. I won’t tell you again.” I knew Luke. I knew Luke like I knew myself. I recognized shit that a lot of people didn’t, so when that sparkle of recognition formed in his eye, I knew he was impressed with Marty’s boldness. I just hoped it worked in Marty’s favor.

“Tell me what that 13 on your cut stands for, brother.” Luke demanded, his hands fisting at his sides. I figured he would find something else to throw any minute. Marty must have been thinking the same thing, because he stuck his arm out in front of Maddie, pushing her behind him. Luke’s nostrils flared at the exchange, and I wondered if it was because he touched her, or because Marty thought Luke would actually hurt her. Either way, it pissed him off even more.

“M is the 13th letter of the alphabet,” Marty replied simply, and Regg actually smiled a little. I didn’t get it, but apparently the answer was what Marty had been trained to say in front of other ears. It held a different meaning inside the club.

“I helped you sew that motherfucker on!” Luke yelled from across the room. He was angry, but he was also hurting. He felt betrayed, and he had been. This time when Marty spoke, it was a plea for Luke to understand. He realized, just as I had, that Luke felt as if he had been cut deep.

“Luke, I never lied to you. I love her, man. I was just waiting for all this shit to be finished before I told you.” Luke was getting antsy. He was moving around too much, and I was afraid it was fixing to come to blows between him and Marty.

“You should have told me. I fucking told you she was off limits,” Luke said, his lip curled up, as he breathed deep through his nostrils. He looked like a raging fucking bull ready to attack. I had seen that look once before, right before he bent me over my desk and beat the shit outta me.

“You can’t run my life, Luke,” Maddie said, her voice soothing, begging Luke to understand. Luke pointed his finger, fixing to lay into Maddie, when Regg interceded. He knew, just like I knew that if Luke said something to Maddie, Marty was going to say something to him, and there wouldn’t be enough time for us to get out of the way before the fighting commenced.

“Luke, let’s take a walk,” Regg suggested, holding his hands up to Luke in surrender. He should have just taken off his white shirt and used it as a flag.

“I don’t want to take a walk,” Luke said, looking over Regg’s shoulder at Marty.

“I’m telling you that we’re going to take a walk,” Regg demanded, getting directly in front of Luke’s face, and blocking our view of him. Oh shit, now Regg and Luke would fight. Then Marty would jump in. Then me, Red, and Maddie would be the only ones that would try and get them to stop. But that didn’t happen. Surprisingly, Luke listened to Regg, and turned to walk out the side door into the alley.

“Cat’s outta the bag now,” Red said, walking in and taking a seat next to me on the pool table.

“I’m so sorry,” Maddie said, looking up at Marty with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t be. It was time he knew,” Marty said, taking Maddie’s face in his hands and kissing her so lovingly that Red and I both sighed as we leaned against one another. “I’m gonna go get a shower. Don’t worry, he will cool off. He just wants the best for you.”

“I’m gonna go talk to him,” Maddie announced, as soon as Marty left the room.

“Oh, no,” Red said, jumping up and blocking Maddie’s retreat. “Just leave him alone. He’s pissed, Maddie.”

“I think she should go talk to him,” I said, standing next to Maddie in her defense.

“You two,” Red said, swinging her finger between the two of us, “are suicidal idiots.” I rolled my eyes at Red’s remark and walked with Maddie outside to find Luke lifting weights, while Regg stood beside the door.