“How is he?” I asked, watching Luke bench press the heavy bar filled with weights as if it held feathers instead of metal.

“Pissed. But he is just mad at himself. He told me if he wasn’t careful you two would end up falling for each other,” he said, addressing Maddie. “It was bound to happen as much time as y’all have been spending together. Don’t be hard on him,” Regg said, looking at Luke protectively. “He just wants what’s best for you, Maddie.” I smiled, but Maddie rolled her eyes, these words having been said to her twice in a matter of minutes. My guess was she would be hearing them again very soon. I walked with Maddie over to Luke, not really feeling as if it was my place, but my sister needed me. I would tune out the conversation once it started. Or at least that’s what I told myself. Hell, I wanted to hear it just as bad as Red, who I knew was listening through a window somewhere.

“Luke,” Maddie said cautiously, as we approached a sweaty, shirtless, still-pissed Luke. I was glad I had come. While Maddie fidgeted with her hands, trying to find the right words to say, I used mine to wipe the drool that was running down my face at the sight of him. “I know you don’t like it, and I know it’s because you felt like we lied to you, but that’s not the case.” Maddie paused, waiting on some acknowledgement from Luke that he had heard her, but he continued lifting as if we weren’t even there. Maddie swallowed hard and looked at me. I gave her a reassuring smile and nod, and she stared at her feet as she continued. “He’s so good to me,” she said with a smile, her eyes becoming dreamy, as they had when she had first told me about him. “For so long, I looked at him as just a friend. But after Texas, I came home and he was there. He listened to me and understood me. I’ve always had you for things like that, but with everything going on, I didn’t want to bother you. Luke he makes me feel like I’m important. He makes me feel like you did, but we have that connection, ya know? I know you want more for me, but he is my more.” At this, Luke stopped, replacing the bar, but keeping his hands on it as he stared at them. I watched his stomach, as it retracted with his deep breaths. I pulled my eyes to his face to see it looking impassive as Maddie’s words continued. I knew he was listening, but he didn’t want to. “He loves me and he loves Logan. I know this like I know you would give your life to save me from another disaster like Brett. Luke, I wouldn’t take the risk of losing you if I wasn’t sure that this was what I wanted. I love him.” Luke’s eyes swung to Maddie for the first time since she had begun speaking. Maddie continued, ignoring Luke’s stare and lost in her own little world, as if the words she had just spoken made her realize how true they were. “I love him more than anything. I don’t care that he’s not a doctor or a lawyer, or that he probably loves his Harley more than he could ever love me. All that matters is that I love him and for a long time, I didn’t even know it, but now I do. I love him, Luke. I love him.” I smiled at Maddie, whose look of elation caused my stomach to swarm with butterflies, and my heart to swell with pride. My little sister had finally found happiness. I would kill Luke if he fucked this up, but when I turned to him, he was sitting up, eyeing Maddie with a smirk.

“That much, huh?” he asked, as she nodded her head vigorously while her tears streamed down her face. Maddie squatted between Luke’s knees, taking his hands in hers.

“I can’t do this without your blessing. Please don’t make me choose, because I would be lost without either one of you.” Just like I did, Luke knew that the girl who sat before him was a girl in love, and she would leave Luke and this life for a shot at her own happiness.

“I won’t let you go Maddie,” Luke said, tucking a strand of hair behind Maddie’s ear. “And I won’t stand in the way of your happiness. I’m not saying I like it, but if it’s what you really want, I’ll try to deal with it. If you love him, then love him fiercely. That man deserves that kind of love, and so do you, my Maddie.” Luke leaned forward, taking Maddie’s face in his hands as he kissed her forehead, leaving me a crying fucking mess as the scene unfolded. I heard a sniffle and turned to see Red standing outside the door to mine and Luke’s room. I knew she would be watching. Nosey bitch. She just couldn’t help it. I was glad we were staying in tonight. A chick flick was in order.