“Hey baby!” I squealed into the phone, forgetting my worries and focusing solely on him.

“Hey babe, look I’m sorry I haven’t called. It’s been kinda crazy the past few days.” I melted at the sound of his tired, remorseful, voice and wished I was there with him.

“No worries, babe. I have had plenty to keep me busy while you’ve been gone,” I said reassuringly.

“Stop stealing my word.”

“What word?”

“Babe, babe. That’s my word. It’s what I do. Like the winks and finger-kissing and shit. That’s mine. Get your own.”

“Can I call you sugar?” I asked through the huge smile that was plastered on my face.

“Whatever makes you happy. I miss you.” His voice was serious and low, letting me know that he was hurting without me, and that his boys were around so he couldn’t shout it.

“I miss you too, Luke. Do you know when you are coming home?” Please don’t say tonight. Please don’t say tonight.

“It’s gonna be a little while, babe. I’m not sure how long that is, but I’ll let you know. I can’t really say much right now, but I’ll call you tomorrow and we can talk more. I gotta go babe. Tell me you love me.”

“I love you.”

“I know. I love you too. Stay out of trouble.” The call was disconnected and I wondered if maybe he knew I was up to something. Why did he say that? I was being fucking paranoid. I needed to get my mind off Luke, and on Charlie, and my trip. I called for Joanna and she appeared, wearing a top so low-cut that it was hard to concentrate on anything other than her breasts.

“Joanna, I am not going to be here tomorrow. I have a meeting and will be tied up all day. If you need me, you can reach me on my cell.” I wanted to add “and wear a fucking shirt”, but I didn’t. If I pissed her off, she might quit and I needed her here tomorrow. Kylie didn’t seem quite competent enough to be left on her own, although at least she wore clothes that covered her.

“Will do. Anything else?” Yeah, cover your ginormous fucking tits!

“That’s all.” I stared down at my desk, busying myself with nothing until she left. This day could not end fast enough.

Maddie and Red showed up around 4:30, each carrying a small, designer, overnight bag that I was sure my father had paid for. I looked at Maddie, noticing how she tried to hide her nervousness by making meaningless small talk. I knew it was not the best time, but if anyone had to break the news to Maddie, I damned sure didn’t want it to be Charlie.

“Maddie, I have something I need to tell you.” I was so caught up in my own thoughts, that I didn’t notice I was interrupting her and Red’s conversation. Red seemed just as oblivious as Maddie, and I was sure she didn’t know what had happened either. “I think you need to know what happened when Luke came to get me.” Maddie’s reaction was cautious, yet Red sat on the edge of her seat in excited anticipation.

“I think I can figure it out on my own. Dallas, I know Frankie is dead. There is no way Charlie let him live, but I don’t need the details.”

“I think you do,” I responded, staring down at my knotted hands in my lap. It was now or never. This was my chance to tell Maddie the truth, yet I couldn’t find the right words.

“Dallas,” Maddie said in a tone that forced me to look at her. “If you really think I need to know, or if you want to prepare me because you are afraid I will find out once we get there, you can tell me. I know it wasn’t easy for you, but he knew his fate when he made the decision to go.” I looked at Maddie in confusion. Frankie chose to go?

“I don’t understand,” I said, looking from her to Red, knowing they were both fully aware of how the exchange had been proposed.

“Don’t think he did it for me, or for you. He didn’t. He chose to go willingly to Charlie because he knew he would die regardless. I’m sure he thought Charlie would keep him around and let him work off his debt. That was the only hope he had, so whatever happened, don’t feel like it was too harsh of a punishment. Frankie deserved to die.” Maddie had come to be at peace with the fact that the only dad she had known was dead. But would she be crushed to know that it was me who had killed him? Or would it even matter?

“Maddie, I killed Frankie.” The words were out before I could stop them. One minute my brain was telling me to just spit it out, and the next minute, before the rational side could intercept, I had informed my sister of the worst. I watched her eyes widen in shock, then fall to her lap, with a sigh that had her shoulders slouched in defeat.