“So, you know I have this issue with Stacy,” I started, watching Red nod in acknowledgement, while Maddie looked between the two of us in confusion.

“Stacy poisoned her. When she was in Tupelo. Told everyone she had the flu. I found out through a friend. Nobody knows though,” Red said quickly, informing Maddie, but keeping her eyes on me.

“I’m not sure if it was Stacy,” I said, looking at Red, and ignoring Maddie’s silent plea for more information.

“I am. Frankie confirmed it. Said he paid him to do it.” I stared in shock at Red. I was so convinced that Stacy could not have done it, yet here was the proof.

“You can’t believe anything Frankie said,” Maddie added, looking at Red like she had lost her mind.

“What did he have to lose? He was going to die anyway. Why would he lie?” Red threw back at Maddie.

“To hurt Dallas. She apparently cares about Stacy or this wouldn’t be an issue. Do you think Stacy did it?” she asked as if she didn’t believe he had done, either.

“I don’t think so. We are pretty close. That’s why it doesn’t make sense. If it had been before I was twenty-five, I would find it a little easier to accept, but that’s not the case.”

“Cause then he would have gotten the land, right?” Red asked, ignoring Maddie’s pleading glare. “I’ll tell you later, Mads,” she said with a wave of her hand, as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“Right. I need to know what happened and the only other person who knows the story, besides us, is Charlie.”

“Charlie?” Maddie screeched, causing Red to shush her.

“Yes. Charlie. I told him about it and I know he could find out what happened. He loaned Frankie some money and I need to know if it was enough for Stacy to risk our relationship,” I said, looking between Maddie and Red.

“You do realize that’s not a strong enough reason to put yourself in danger. I mean, listen to yourself, Dallas. ‘I need to know if it was enough money for Stacy to risk our relationship,’” Maddie said, mockingly. “That sounds fucking ridiculous. If you plan to go to Charlie to get something, you better have a better excuse than that.”

“I need to know what happened that night. Charlie can find that out. I know it. I called him tonight.”

“You what?” They both shouted, not caring who heard. Now, it was my turn to shush them.

“Shut up! Shit, tell the whole damned house, why don’t you. Look, Luke can’t know this. He would kill me and he has enough shit to deal with right now. Charlie will help me. I know it. There is only one catch.” I tried to express the importance of talking to him, but knew I had lost them when they threw their hands up in the air and muttered ‘I knew it.’

“What does he want? A fucking kidney?” Maddie snapped. I didn’t blame her. Hell, she had been through just as much shit as me, and she thought he had killed the man she knew as her father.

“He wants to meet in person. And I want you to go with me,” I said to Red, watching her head nod in agreement almost immediately. She didn’t care if it was a bad idea, she was down for anything.

“Oh no,” Maddie said, standing and waving her finger in the air between Red and me. “This shit ain’t goin’ down without me. If y’all goin’, I’m fuckin’ goin’.”

“Maddie,” I started, but was interrupted.

“Don’t you Maddie me. I am goin’, Dallas. I can keep my cool and not bring up old shit, but you two are not goin’ alone.” There would be no changing her mind. I knew that even before Red confirmed it.

“You are not going to talk her out of this,” Red said, shaking her head in defeat.

“Well, I guess we are all going. I know he won’t hurt us because-,”

“He is a man of his word,” they both sang out, interrupting me. I guess Charlie’s slogan was not one preached to only me.

“He is sending a car to pick us up at five tomorrow evening at my office. He will fly us over, and said we will be back within twenty-four hours, but,” I said, emphasizing the stipulation by staring seriously at both of them, “nobody can know. It must be our little secret. It’s only twenty-four hours, no one will even know we are gone.” I left Luke’s house with Maddie and Red’s laughter still ringing loudly in my ears.

I was sitting at work, willing time to speed up. The day seemed to creep by, and the only thing I had to keep me busy was too important to half-ass. I couldn’t work to my full potential when I knew that I would be on a plane to Texas in just a few hours. I had yet to hear Luke’s voice, but was glad he was too busy to call. I was afraid that if I talked to him, I would give something away. Just as my shitty luck would have it, my phone rang around noon and it was Luke’s name that flashed across the screen.