I laid my head down on my desk, frustrated at myself for letting this go on so long. If he was a murderer, he could kill my staff. I thought of Gladene and Jackie, and the possible harm Stacy could cause them, and laughed to myself. Yeah, that shit would never fly. They were more capable of murder than he was. I could almost see Jackie trying to kill me. I was never really her favorite, but she had taken care of me and ensured I got help when I became ill. In the stack of messages on my desk there were several from them and Stacy, just checking in on me. The only person who knew about me being poisoned was Red. I had not even told Lindsey. I chewed on the end of my pen, my mind racing, as I planned my next move. Red was still on my shit list and I would die a thousand deaths before I called and asked her for help. Maybe one day, but not right now. I needed to work this out on my own, if possible. I looked over my desk, eyeing the cabinet across the room, which I knew was stocked with liquor. Maybe a drink would help me relax. I made my way to the cabinet, kicking my heels off as I went. I began pulling bottles from the top shelf, which was so high that I had to stand on my toes to reach it.





More wine?



Scotch. The preferred drink of the almighty Mr. Charlie Lott. I missed Charlie. I looked around the room in a panic to make sure I was alone; afraid someone could have heard my thoughts.

“I can’t believe I just thought that,” I said aloud to the empty room. Had I lost my fucking mind? The man had kidnapped me! And my sister! And made me kill a man! He deserved it, yes, but still. As I eyed the bottle, I thought of the conversation we had while sipping a ridiculously priced scotch. I had poured my heart out to him, and he had listened with interest. I had told him everything, even about my near-death experience. He knew about Stacy. I grabbed the scotch and a glass, returned to my desk, and poured myself a generous amount. I was about to do the forbidden. Charlie had promised me a favor with no strings attached. I was about to take him up on his offer.

I located the card Charlie had given me, which I had placed in my purse without Luke knowing. He would kill me if he knew what I was doing. If I asked Luke what he thought about me reaching out to Charlie, I knew what his answer would be, ‘Are you fucking crazy?’ It took two glasses before I found the courage to pick up the phone. Even then, I replaced the receiver several times before I finally dialed his number. It rang twice before being answered by the very friendly voice I had regretfully grown fond of.

“The lovely Miss Dallas Knox,” Charlie purred, causing my face to break out in an involuntary smile.

“Charlie. How are you?” I asked, kicking myself for not getting straight to the point.

“Well, I am delighted to hear from you. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” His voice was so soothing. Think bad thoughts, Dallas. This man is not your friend. He had Luke beaten to a pulp, and threatened to kill him.

“Charlie, do you remember our conversation that day? You know, when I told you about my life?” I sounded so stupid. I was tripping over my own words, and almost stuttering.

“I remember everything, Dallas.” Of course he did. I had to get my shit together. He may be sharp, Dallas, but you are too. Now fucking act like it.

“I told you about a man named Stacy who could have possibly poisoned me.”

“I have already confirmed that I remember everything. Is there a question there, Dallas? Or would you just like me to confirm that he was indeed a part of our conversation?” Well, fuck. I shouldn’t have called. Charlie was not my friend. I did not miss him. He was just a mean man on a power trip.

“This was a mistake. I apologize for calling you. I hope I didn’t impose.” I took another sip of scotch, looking for a little alcoholic encouragement.

“Dallas, if you really thought calling me was a mistake you would have ended the call already, and you would not have assumed you had imposed unless you wanted confirmation that you didn’t, therefore prolonging the phone call that you have apologized about, and claimed was a mistake. If you have something to say, just say it.”

“I want to know how much money you loaned Frankie, because I believe he used it to pay someone to kill me, and I think that someone might be Stacy.” The words rushed out of my mouth. Charlie had that kind of power over me. Just the tone in his voice had me giving him exactly what he wanted.