“I never discuss business over a phone that does not belong to me, Dallas. Not that I would share information with you about another client, regardless of whether we are on the phone or not. Would you be opposed to dinner tomorrow evening?” Was he serious? The man had to be delusional.

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” I scoffed. The chances of him actually releasing me without making me kill someone seemed pretty slim. This man could not be trusted.

“Are you sure? I can arrange to have you picked up and flown over here. You can even bring someone with you if you like.” What? He wanted to send a plane to get me and fly me to fucking Texas? And bring along another fucking hostage? No way.

“Charlie, be reasonable. If you remember correctly, that didn’t work out so well the last time.”

“I thought everything worked out perfectly. I am a man of my word, Dallas. You are seeking information and it must be important for you to call me. You have one free pass. To use it so soon must make you pretty desperate. I will help you with whatever you need. Bring someone with you. Maddie, perhaps. There will be a car waiting for you outside your office at five tomorrow evening. I will have you home safely in less than twenty-four hours.” I let out a surprised laugh with no humor, and struggled to find the right words to tell him to fuck off. Maddie? Really? He was gonna play that fucking card?

“Charlie, you’re delusional. It’s not going to happen. You can forget it,” I countered, sitting on the edge of my seat awaiting his reaction.

“Yet you remain on the phone, knowing there is no other option. I will see you tomorrow, Dallas. Good night.” I sat with the phone to my ear, trying to process what he had just said. Was it a demand that I go? Was he kidnapping me once again? Before I could stop my fingers, I was redialing his number.

“Yes, Dallas?”

“What if I don’t come?” I spat at him. I was breathless, my heart hammering against my chest. I closed my eyes, praying his answer would be different from what I suspected it would be.

“Then you don’t come. I want to help you, Dallas, but to do that we have to meet face-to-face. The decision is yours. There will be no hard feelings if you decline my offer. But if ever the day comes that you want my help, you will have to come and ask me for it. Personally. Good night, Dallas.” There was finality in his tone that let me know that it would be in my best interest to not call him back. I hung up my desk phone and picked up my cell, mentally dying a thousand deaths. I needed someone. We would have to set our differences aside for now. Lindsey couldn’t help me with this. I needed my sisters.

*We need to talk NOW!! Be at Luke’s in 20. Do not tell ANYONE!!*

I hit send on the message and grabbed my purse, leaving in my office a half-empty bottle of scotch, a desk full of work, and any remaining sense, as I jumped in my car and sped off to Luke’s to endure the wrath I was sure would come.

“What the fuck, Dallas?”

“Are you okay?” I felt a little guilty as I looked into the worried faces of Red and Maddie. They were in a panic, and I had not managed to get my shit under control on the drive over. I was quite a sight in my wrinkled skirt, and un-tucked blouse, with bare feet, a flushed face, and wide eyes. I resembled someone who had just been a victim of assault, and knew I needed to confirm that was not the issue, but I couldn’t catch my breath. I began hyperventilating in the kitchen, letting Maddie and Red pull me to the table and soothe me. Eventually, I regained control, and took a sip of the water Red offered before I started talking.

“I’m fine. Nothing happened. Just a long day at work. No one attacked me.” I watched, as they both sagged in relief. Maybe I should have called. “I didn’t mean to scare y’all. I just panicked.”

“It’s okay. But next time, please call. A message like that followed by a you that looks like this, is a little much,” Maddie said, gesturing her hands toward my rumpled appearance.

“Will do,” I said, nodding my head.

“What’s going on, Dallas?” Red asked, genuine concern in her lovely hazel eyes. It was good to see that she was not holding our spat from earlier against me. “Don’t worry about earlier. I’m a bitch and I deserved it, but we will get to that later. What happened?” I had to work on not being so damned transparent.