“Rule number one. Never tell the President you are leaving as long as you are prospecting. You ask to leave,” Red said, lighting a cigarette, and fanning the smoke away from my face.

“Yeah, I made Red ride with me to Hammond, so we could boost his spirits,” Maddie said beaming. I arched my eyebrow at her.

“And just exactly how did you do that?” I asked. Maddie had said they had never had sex.

“Everyone has secrets, Dallas,” she said, with a wink. Red laughed and I had a feeling I was on the outside of an in-joke. Apparently, Red knew about Marty and Maddie. It was me that Maddie was so worried would spoil the big surprise. I scoffed, feigning shock, but in reality I was fighting some pangs of hurt and jealousy. Of course Red was closer to Maddie. She had always been here. It was me that was the newcomer. It didn’t matter that Maddie and I shared the same father. Maddie and Red had been sisters a lot longer.

“Okay, so this is how this is going to work. Maddie, are you in?” Red asked looking at Maddie, her eyes turning to resemble those of a puppy.

“Yeah. What the hell,” Maddie said, gesturing for Red to continue with the plan of action.

“Good. Dallas, I need you to distract the guys. Mainly Luke, but try to get all their attention. Preferably, get them all in the clubhouse. Maddie, you watch the door and make sure no one comes in or out, and I’ll slip the bag to the PROSPECT.” Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“Red, why don’t we just give him the damn bag?”

“Because, Dallas, how would you feel if your man was offered help from another woman and took it, and then had to be subjected to all the shit the guys threw at him for accepting help from a bitch. We want the guys to think that he did this on his own. The chances of that are slim to none, so we are going to help him out, and the guys will be none the wiser.” I still didn’t quite get it, but if Red thought it was for the best, then I would help. She seemed genuinely concerned about this guy, and if she needed me to help her feel better by helping him, then who was I to say no?

“Okay. How do I get the guys’ attention?” I had thought of a few ways, but none would make Luke very happy.

“Give ‘em a speech about how much you appreciate all their help and all that shit,” Maddie suggested. The thought turned my gut.

“That just feels wrong.”

“No, it’s perfect. Think of it like this, not only are you thanking them, you are also helping out someone in need. Do you really want to go to sleep tonight knowing that you were responsible for a potential brother losing his patch?” Red asked, looking at me with fake pity.

“And what about that sweet girl he has with him? Do you know how devastated she would be?” Maddie chimed in. They were playing me.

“Fine. But my speech will be sincere. And that PROSPECT better get those fucking bikes finished.” Red jumped up, and squealed like a little kid. They ushered me outside and, just like that, the first of what would be many ‘Save the PROSPECT’ operations was launched.

Chapter 3


I was standing on the bar, my glass held high in the air, as I concluded my speech that, true to my word, was sincere. I had forgotten all about the PROSPECT, and the reason I was making the speech in the first place. I was sure that Red had delivered the package and all was good, but at this point I couldn’t care less. What mattered to me were the faces that looked at me, most of which I knew, as I laid my feelings bare for all of them. They were an easy crowd. I felt like I could tell them anything, so I did. I told them everything, well, almost everything. I told them how Charlie had taken me and I thought I would never see their faces again. I told them how had I felt when I saw them all standing there, ready to give their lives to save me. I told them about the emotions that had passed through me when their bikes surrounded Luke’s truck and led us off the highway. I thanked them for always being there, not just for me, but for Luke too. I let them all know that if the role was reversed, I would do the same for any of them. As I held my glass, I concluded my speech with the words that I would live by for the rest of my life. “This is to all of you and the sacrifices you have made on my behalf. You have all taught me what family is and for that, I will be forever in your debt. To all of you, and to the motto of the Devil’s Renegades: Love, loyalty and respect.” I closed my eyes and smiled, nodding my head as the chorus rang out from those before me. The brothers, ol’ ladies, PROSPECTS, hang-arounds, barmaids, girlfriends, and wives met my toast, and we shared something more than a shot of alcohol. We shared a moment of truth. A moment in which each and every person in that room knew why they were there. This was a moment when we all understood what it meant to be a Devil’s Renegade. I was lifted from the bar and into Luke’s arms. My hands grasped his muscular shoulders as my legs wrapped around his waist. I felt his hardness through his jeans, as he pulled me to him.