“If y’all don’t mind me asking, what did he say?” We all turned to the softly spoken voice behind us. I was shocked to find a very sweet-looking girl in her early twenties standing there, and staring at us, wide-eyed. Judging by the ring on her finger, and the worried look in her eye, this had to be the PROSPECT’s wife. I immediately felt pity for her.

“He got cocky and said he would wash his brothers’ bikes. He was talking about Ronnie’s, but he didn’t elaborate. He said ‘brothers’’ and that meant all of them. First of all, they ain’t his brothers. Second, he shouldn’t have offered if he couldn’t perform, and third he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. The less he says the better.” I almost died at Brooklyn’s harsh comment. She wasn’t cutting this poor girl any slack.

“Oh,” she replied simply. She seemed to accept her husband’s fate, but Red wasn’t going to let it go.

“I thought it was very generous of him to offer. Just because he got a few words mixed up doesn’t mean he should have to stay up all fucking night after being up all day, on top of having to make that long trip tomorrow.” My mind was screaming at me to stay out of it and keep my mouth shut too, but of course I didn’t.

“I really think Luke was just kidding. He winked at me. I think they are just making the guy think he is going to have to do that.” The reaction I got was not one I was expecting. The room erupted in laughter at my words.

“You really do have a lot to learn. Honey, if Luke says it; Luke means it. That poor boy will be washing bikes all night. Now, I can’t say anything because it’s not my place, and I don’t want to be screamed at in front of everyone, but what I can do is help him out. Discreetly,” Red announced more to the wife than to any of us. Brooklyn’s eye-rolling did not go unnoticed, as Red continued with her plan of action. “Katelyn? Is that your name?” The girl nodded her head, and Red went on, “You need to stay out of it. Don’t talk to him. Don’t check on him. Just stay inside and away from him. The last thing you want to do is make him look like a pussy. These guys will use anything as leverage to see if they can break him. I am going to give him an Adderall, make him some sandwiches, and be sure he has all the supplies he needs within reach. Dallas, you are going to help.” I nodded quickly, letting Red know that I was on her side, and would do anything to keep the tears that were welling up in Katelyn’s eyes at bay, as well as make the impossible job for the PROSPECT as easy as I could. “I can’t believe he threatened him with his patch,” Red mumbled, grabbing Red Bulls from the cooler, and shoving them in a bag.

“It got his attention. If he wants to keep it, when we get ready to leave in the morning there had better be twenty-three Harleys sparkling to their full potential,” Brooklyn stated. Red didn’t respond, as she grabbed the bag, shot Brooklyn a look, and walked out of the clubhouse with me in tow.

“Will Luke really take his patch?” I asked Red, as we shoved the last few sandwiches in a Ziploc bag. We were standing in Luke’s kitchen, preparing a late-night snack for the PROSPECT.

“If he said he would, he will,” she replied, deadpan. “Luke is a man of his word.” Apparently. I thought about Maddie’s issue, and wondered if I should say something to Red. It seemed they all knew Luke much better than I did.

“Are we having operation ‘Save the PROSPECT?’” Maddie asked, coming into the kitchen, dispelling any thoughts I had of telling Red about her business.

“You know it,” Red said, smiling. “You gonna help?”

“Nah, I’ll let y’all handle this one,” she said, propping her elbows up on the bar.

“Why? Cause it ain’t Marty?” Red asked, and my eyes widened in shock, as I looked at Maddie, who mirrored my reaction. “How many times did you wake me up in the middle of the night for a ‘Save PROSPECT Marty’ operation? Remember that time he had to go get the letter?” I watched in confusion, as Maddie’s features softened, and she relaxed with a laugh.

“Yeah, I remember. It was so funny, Dallas,” she said turning to me, her eyes sparkling, as she retold the story, our dispute from earlier seemingly forgotten for now. “He told Luke he was going to go home. Luke told him he had to do something first. He made Marty ride all the way to Lake Charles to get a letter from Ronnie, and then return it to him. When he got back, Luke told him to open the letter. Know what it said? ‘Now you can go home.’” I stared in horror at Maddie. That would have been an eight-hour round trip. Shit.