Page 64 of My Summer in Seoul

What was this horrible feeling in my chest as my guys—I mean SWT—just hung on her every word?

The only person who smiled politely was Rae. My heart tightened a bit at his expression went from her then flickered toward the audience—toward me.

No, I wasn’t going to let him just say sorry. What he’d said earlier was hurtful and totally inappropriate, all things considered. I mean, had I been somehow sending mixed signals? Just because I thought he was beautiful—like every other SWT member—didn’t mean I was throwing myself at him or even attempting to.

It was borderline insulting.

The more I thought about it, the sicker I felt to my stomach. Did they all feel that way? That I was just this easy girl who wanted every single one of them? Or were they just so used to it they assumed any female, or male for that matter, with eyes, was attracted and wanted something from them?

I looked away from Rae, purposely focusing on someone else. Sadly, that someone else just happened to be Lucas—I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t flutter despite his intense dislike of me. Why was it always the ones who didn’t like someone that made the heart act like an idiot?

He was scowling while everyone else was laughing. Big surprise there.

Rae went next. I honestly expected him to pull out a tie or something for when he retired and entered the workforce as an accountant. Not that he was boring; he just seemed so serious most of the time. Instead, he had things like lip gloss, an old history book he carried from his trainee days when he’d had to study late at night—super endearing.

He also had protein bars and other snacks, which made me smile. At least he ate.

Lucas was last.

With a forced smile that still managed to be sexy, he dropped his bag onto his desk and started pulling out items.

A notebook.

Two different types of pencils, and a black sharpie.

The guys teased him, or it appeared they did, and Chae-Won used almost every single second of the taping to touch him as he pulled things out. He had an extra beanie in the bag, a shirt for after practices, body spray, a toothbrush, and then his hand grabbed something. Nostrils flaring, he gave the bag a shake and pulled his hand out. As if to say that’s it.

Chae-Won leaned over, attempting to peer into his bag. She even reached for it, but he jerked it away and held it tight, smiling at the host.

They ended minutes later, and everyone bowed to each other politely—everyone but Lucas, who pulled Chae-Won by the arm once she was off the stage and into the hallway.

Where were they going?

I shot Rae a panicked look, but he was busy talking to the host, and the other guys had made their way over to a snack table, leaving me the only stalker in residence.

Solia wasn’t around.

Did I follow them?

All I kept thinking was scandal.

And the kissing scandal.

And the fact that he was alone with this flirty girl, who everyone seemed to worship. It truly wasn’t my business at all, but I couldn’t let anyone find them alone. Even if they were just talking, it didn’t look good.

Great, crazy loud Grace to the rescue.

I power-walked in front of the stage and entered the hallway they’d disappeared into. Hushed voices sounded to my right. I slowly crept down the darkened hallway and stopped when they picked up.

“What the hell are you doing?” It sounded like Lucas, but Lucas didn’t speak English. Had I followed the wrong voice?

“Oh, please.” The girl’s high-pitched voice definitely sounded like Chae-Won, but that made zero sense.

Paralyzed, I eavesdropped more.

“It was a joke!” She laughed. Yup, totally her; it was the same laugh. But was she with Lucas?

No. I refused to believe it.

And yet, my feet were rooted to the ground, unable to take me in any direction even if I wanted them to.

“It’s not funny. Do you even realize how bad that could have been? It was one time, and it was a mistake, you know that.” He said something in Korean that had her gasping. Then he added, “Seriously, it’s over.”

“I disagree,” she said in a haughty voice. “You know I could help salvage your career from the shithole it just took a dive into. Just let me help. We’ll say we’ve been dating, I’ll express my outrage, we’ll show the picture of us kissing, and all—”

He must have cut her off.

Silence followed.

My heart strained against my chest as an almost nervous ringing filled my ears.

“No,” he finally said again. “I told you before, it was a mistake; we were a mistake. I need to focus on the group right now. You should know that better than anyone.”

The sound of someone getting slapped was unmistakable. “Don’t you dare bring that up!”