Page 65 of My Summer in Seoul

“Why?” His voice was amused. “Do you feel guilty for making it impossible for your group to have a comeback?”

“You’re such an asshole,” she hissed.

“Yeah well, just another reason why it would never work.”

“You’ll change your mind… you better hope I’m around to save your sorry ass when you do.” Footsteps sounded. Thankfully, she strutted off in the opposite direction, leaving me leaning against the wall feeling like I’d just witnessed some TV drama.

English. He was fluent in it. There was a good reason he never spoke English in front of me, though, right? I told myself it wasn’t because he was just messing with my head, and then my head told my heart it was dumb to be sad that he’d been involved with such a witch.

Instead, everything failed.


Numb, I waited for him to come out, clutching my bag to my chest. It sounded like he was cursing to himself again, though I still didn’t know all the good Korean curse words. I smiled sadly to myself. Maybe I’d ask Rae later today, so I knew just what Lucas was saying when he was pissed off and didn’t want me to know it.

It was maybe two minutes later when Lucas came out of the room and headed in my direction.

In three, two, one.

He stopped in his tracks, his eyes widened, lips parted like he had some sort of worthy excuse.

Schooling my expression, I just said, “You have an interview in ten, don’t be late.”

Shaking, I turned around and started walking back toward the studio.


Ugh, he was saying my name, and I both loved and hated him for it. Livid, I just kept walking.

“Grace, wait, I can explain—”

“I doubt it,” I called over my shoulder. “Check in with makeup before you join everyone, and I know I don’t have to remind you how important it is that you stay clear of scandals before the Showcase. If you need more security, let me know.”

And just like that, I left him.

Went into the bathroom.

And wiped away two stupid tears that found their way down my cheeks.

I was hurt.

I felt embarrassed.



And what was worse?

Every single member of SWT knew he was toying with me, and nobody… nobody had come to my defense.

Chapter Nineteen

Makeup and Cry


I sat in the background during the next two segments, my stomach protesting in hunger while the guys interviewed.

Their chemistry was amazing.

Had I not been living with them and managing chaos before the comeback, I would even probably smile a bit, but as it was, exhaustion had again set in along with emotional turmoil at Rae’s words and Lucas’s ability to speak my language and make me feel like an idiot in front of everyone.

I didn’t even want to do a replay of all the stupid things I’d said in front of him and the rest of the guys. If I did, I’d probably hand over the keys to the van and lie down in the middle of the parking lot.

I’d literally called Lucas beautiful to his face.

No wonder Rae thought I was hitting on them.

I’d commented on their looks way too much.

From here on out, professional, do your job, smile when you’re supposed to, bring them coffee, earn your internship credit—go back to Seattle.

I would be nothing but business.

I mentally high-fived myself and checked my phone. They had just started their final interview and had around ten minutes before I could drive them back and dive headfirst into whatever sort of chicken we had at the apartments.

One thing was for sure: the minute I was back in Seattle, I was going to bathe in a tub of steak.

Okay, maybe that was too weird, but I was going to eat so much I would risk clogging my arteries. I loved food, I needed food, and chicken just… I shuddered, completely understanding why Sookie suddenly wanted to become a chicken murderer—he for real had a partner in crime there if he ever needed it.

I’d gladly wear a cape and bring a machete.

The guy interviewing them was doing everything virtually from the UK, which seemed to make things a little less intense. He was from one of the top radio stations in London and seemed pretty chill with his preppy haircut, bow tie, and black glasses.

He was like a nerdier version of John Mayer, right down to his checkered shirt and bright smile.

“So,” his perfect radio voice sounded. “This next group needs no introductions. In fact, if you don’t know who they are, you may as well be dead.”

Ha! Did that make this heaven or hell? Asking for a friend… I cringed as the guys all chuckled to themselves. I refused to make eye contact, instead focusing on the screen where the host was speaking.

“With two number one billboard hits in the last year and a half, over a billion views on three of your music videos, with viewership jumping like crazy and a fandom that grows by the hour—SWEET—these guys exploded onto the scene three years ago and have left audiences worldwide completely shaken with their smooth dance moves, pitch-perfect vocals, and let’s not forget some of the most addicting raps you’ve ever heard. I give you, SWT!”