Page 40 of Make You Mine

“He’ll be here tomorrow.”

“Good.” She nods as if approving my unspoken decision. “We need you here.”

I give her a quick glance. “What?”

“The town needs a good mechanic, a garage that isn’t thirty miles away.”

“Oh.” I lift the heavy tires, powering the lug nuts back on.

“Don’t torque those too hard. You’ll strip ’em.”

Shaking my head, I don’t even answer. She continues. “Towns change. The old people like me die, and hopefully the new ones do better. The crazies are always with us.”

“Okay.” It’s the only answer that I can give her. The problems

I have here are all still alive and well. “Anything else?”

Her tires are all on. I hit the switch to lower it all the way before grabbing the hose to refill the oil.

“Nope.” She follows me to the counter, where I write up the work order, take her cash, and drop it in the box.


“I’ll be back.” She’s walking back to her car when a lime green Subaru pulls into the open bay.

I take the shop cloth and wipe my hands, wishing I’d gotten Billy’s number. If Mrs. Green is right, I’m going to need help right away. Two cars, and I’m already falling behind. When the driver steps out, I take a step back.

“Look what the cat dragged in!” Ruby Banks is as bold as she ever was, and she’s Drew’s best friend.

I brace myself. Ruby always has a lot to say. “How’s it going?”

“I’d say the same as always, but things just got really interesting all of a sudden.” She closes the space between us, brown eyes leveled on mine. “So are you back or are you just wrapping things up before you leave again?”

My hands are still dirty, despite my attempts to clean them. I decide to own it. It’s fucking symbolic.

“I’m planning to stay for a little while.”

Her eyebrows rise. “Good! I’ve put together a little welcome home party for you—”

“No.” I turn and head for the office, but she’s right behind me.

“You can’t say no. It’s at my place, and I’ve only invited a handful of your friends. Remember those pesky things called friends?”

“I said no. I’m not here for parties.”

“What are you here for?” She stands at the door with her arms crossed over her chest.

Inhaling, I think about it. I wanted to come back to pay my respects. Now… “I’m not really sure.”

“You’re over-educated to be working in a garage.”

“I own the garage.” My eyes roam over the neat, open area. “It’s honest work I enjoy.”

Both her hands go up in surrender. “Far be it from me to knock what somebody loves. I happen to love throwing parties. I’ve put together a really nice, intimate gathering for you. Are you going to disappoint your friends?”

“I don’t need you to throw a party for me.”

“And to think, my mother prayed to Jesus and Buddha for your protection every single day for three years, and here you are, as ungrateful as ever.” She shakes her straight black hair. “You’re going to break her heart.”