Page 41 of Make You Mine

My jaw tightens. I don’t like manipulation, but she has a point. Mrs. Banks did stand up for me back when I lived here. She never treated me like the other church ladies, people like Stern… Probably because being Korean, she was an outsider, too.

I pass my hand over my mouth. I know if I go to Ruby’s party, I’m going to have to face Drew again. Hell, being in this town, I’m going to have to face Drew again.

“Your mom’s going to be there?”

“She helped me plan the whole thing! She’s making those spicy dumplings you like with Kimchi.”

It’s been a while since I had authentic Asian food. My stomach starts to growl, and I glance at the clock. It’s after noon.

“What time?”

Ruby does a little squeal and claps her hands. “It’s tonight at seven. We won’t go too late since it’s a school night…”

“At your mom’s house?”

“Yep!” She hops over to her car, and I wave.

“Did you need anything for your car?”

“Oh, no, but I’ll be back when I do. I’ve got to go get ready. See you tonight!”

She pulls out, and I’m left standing wondering what the hell I’ve just agreed to do.

Chapter 11


When the braces came off Ralph Stern’s teeth, he got contact lenses, stopped dressing like a geek, and got his degree in business. He never lost his crush on me, but at least now he’s not so creepy. He’s actually what most girls would consider handsome.

Most girls who’ve never met him.

“It will revolutionize the economy of Oakville.” He pulls a hand from the pocket of his dark jeans and opens it. “Hall’s Hardy almond trees produce excellent nuts, and they’re very cold hardy.”

I look at the pale nut sitting on his palm and nod, falling back on a Dotty-ism. “I’ll be dogged.”

“Yes, you will!” His eyes flash with excitement. “Who says California should have the market cornered on these little guys? We’re going to give them a run for their money right here in South Carolina.”

“Well, all right, then.” I force a smile and take a sip of the warm cider, wishing it was spiked.

Ralph’s expression turns serious. “How are things down at the clinic?”

I wave my hand. “You know I can’t really talk about my patients, Ralph.”

“You should be at a hospital or in private practice. Not in that rinky dink little store front.”

“Friends Care is exactly what I had in mind when I got my degree. It’s small, affordable, catering to people who otherwise wouldn’t get help.”

“Your heart’s too big.” He clears his throat. “Speaking of, I heard Grayson might need your services.”

I inhale my sip, and start to choke. My eyes fill with water, and I cover my mouth as Ralph slaps me on the back.

“You okay?”

“Sorry,” I mange to squeak out. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Oh, those boys always come back with problems. PTSD or survivor’s guilt or something like that. They’re never the same.”

“Ahh…” What an asshole! Like he knows anything about what Gray is like or what he’s been through.