Inching in a little more, with quivers running through me, Adam took me by the hips, like he usually did, and started to move, tenderly claiming my anal cherry in our marriage bed. Feeling every movement he made, the pleasure unlike anything I’d ever felt before, I felt so happy and fulfilled.

It came on hard, with no real warning, the orgasm ripped through me, as if knocking me out from within. He came too, shooting his load into my asshole and then letting it drip out as he withdrew his cock from me.

I fell into Adam’s arms. Once we were cleaned up and comfortable, the heavy duvet covered both of us. His hands were lightly massaging my pregnant belly.

“Do you feel that?” I asked, noticing the slight jolt, as I put his hand on the right spot.

“She’s kicking.”

“Yeah. I think she’s happy.”

“I love you, wifey.”

“I love you too, my husband.”

He kissed me and we cuddled close, his hands on my belly, feeling our baby move until night fell.

I had never been this happy and I knew that the rest of my life would be great, all because I had been locked down with a rockstar.