“You may kiss the bride,” the justice of the peace pronounced, making it official.

By all accounts, the reception was beautiful. No expense was spared on Adam’s part, and mom and dad thoroughly impressed. They came around quite quickly to the idea of me being married and pregnant.

Even if the second thing had happened before the first. At least the baby would be born within wedlock.

Loki’s Laugh was playing while people started dancing. Then Theo performed his Mad Alchemy one-man act. Dante’s Street Massacre weren’t playing, so that Adam could enjoy his own wedding, but at one point he played me a special bass guitar solo he had written for me, and I wanted to die of happiness right then and there.

Now we were sitting down to have our cake. Subtle as anything, Adam’s hand had managed to find its way to my knee and squeeze it under the table. At first, I assumed it was a sign of general affection, but then he did the same thing a little higher up and his meaning became very clear indeed.

Waiting for just the right moment, when the speeches were concluded and we’d danced the first dance, Adam took me back into the house and up to our room. Our honeymoon didn’t officially start until the next day, and there was a plane planned and everything, but he was clearly wanting to get an early start. And I felt the same way.

Seconds through the door, he swooped me into his arms, and carried me up the stairs and through our bedroom door. It was one of the most traditional things I’d ever seen him do. Adam may have been serious, but he was also crazy smart— enough to decide for himself what made sense, ignoring anything that didn’t.

It had taken three people nearly half an hour to get me into the dress. Adam had me out of it in about five minutes.

“Good girl,” he said, stroking my naked pussy.

Adam had told me not to wear underwear, on our wedding day or ever again, and I gladly complied. I was more than willing to give him as much access to me as possible.

Unclasping my stockings, he rolled them down before removing the belt, leaving me naked and open to his every whim. I was completely his for the rest of our life together.

“I have something for you,” he said, laying me gently on my back.


“Of course.”

He opened the drawer, taking out a nicely wrapped box, which looked much like all the other wedding gifts piled up in the second-floor guest room. Hands shaking with anticipation, I pulled the slip knot in the pretty ribbon loose.

The four corners fell away, letting me lift off the lid. In the confines of the stiff cardboard box was the biggest butt-plug I’d ever seen, with a large bottle of lube next to it.

“It vibrates,” he said, picking up the plug and turning it around, showing me the switch.

“Wow,” I whispered, truly enthralled.

“It will make things much easier when I fuck you in the ass.”

I must have misheard him. In all the time we’d been together, I’d asked him more than once if he would do just that, and every time he had denied me. It seemed too good to be true that he was finally going to give me what I’d wanted for so long. Even if the evidence of his intent was literally in front of me.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked me

“These are happy tears,” I clarified, as he wiped them away.

“Good. Turn around. Okay, Pet, get on all fours,” he instructed me. “Like when we do it from behind.”


I did as he ordered, getting as close as I could to the pose with my added size in the front. Gently massaging and squeezing my ass, he was already helping to calm me. Popping the cap on the lube, he broke contact, just for a moment, as he got everything ready.

“Oh,” I moaned, as the cool tip pressed against my asshole.

Despite being bigger, it didn’t feel too much different as it went in, the final pop of its setting coming before I knew it.

“Good girl,” he praised, stroking my pussy.

“Fuck,” I yelped, as he turned on the vibration.

It wasn’t very hard, but it still permeated through me, from my core on out. Residual vibration made it all the way down my arms.

Using more of the lube, he slipped two into my pussy and worked me over, as the plug did its work, bringing me to a forceful orgasm, just as it stretched me to an optimal level.

Another moan burst from me as Adam removed the plug, the big thing coming out with a pop.

“Beautiful,” he said, running his finger around the outside of my gaped asshole.

With another helping of lube both on his cock and in my ass, Adam joined me on the bed, the mattress sinking slightly under his waist as he mounted me. As gently as possible, he pressed the head of his cock into me and started to ease inside, using much the same approach as when he’d fucked my pussy for the first time, with much the same result: a snug fit and intense sensation that was nothing like pain. The intensity lessened as my ass adjusted to being so absolutely stuffed by his huge cock.