her lower lip between her teeth, a swift spike of longing made his breath hitch.

“Go ahead and get some breakfast, Bells. I want to talk to Dev alone.” Her gaze jerked up to her dad’s, and he offered a firm, “Please.”

With another parting glare for Dev—a clear warning to not change his answer—she left the room, and he faced her father.

“I want you for this job,” Mark stated. “I trust you.”

Dev shook his head. The senator’s trust didn’t matter one bit when he didn’t trust himself. “Get one of the guys from your detail for her. You trust them for you and Janine. They’ll keep Shelby safe, too.”

Mark held his gaze for a long moment, then released a heavy sigh as he straightened and uncrossed his arms. “I can’t really argue that, can I?”

“No, sir. And I’m sorry, but I really should be going.” Before I do something stupid like reconsider. “Reyes is waiting.”

The senator nodded and extended his hand. “In that case, I will add my thanks to Janine’s. I appreciate you making sure we heard about this. Shelby can be a bit too stubborn for her own good sometimes.”

Dev smiled his agreement as he shook the senator’s hand before limping for the door. Sure the man’s gaze watched his every step, his ears burned in mortification long after he moved out of sight. Mark was sure to be glad he’d refused the job.

He found Reyes waiting in the foyer with a large plastic baggie of cookies in hand.

“I loaded up my stuff and drove your truck up front.”

“Good. Let’s get outta here.”

They were a few miles down the road before Rey broke the silence in the cab. “You gonna tell me what the hell that was back there?”

Dev kept his gaze trained on the road and tried to play it off. “What?”

“The whole Tarzan act with Shelby.”

He scoffed. “It wasn’t like that at all. I just want to make sure she stays safe, that’s all.”

“Riiight. ”

“Man, shut up.”

He caught Reyes’ grin from the corner of his eye, but thankfully his brother dropped the subject.

They reached the trailhead a half-hour later, and loaded up with their gear for the couple mile hike to the campsite. Dev had purposefully chosen their location for the more level terrain so he wouldn’t strain his leg too much. The exercise was good, but only if he didn’t push too hard.

So, what the fuck did he do? Pushed too damn hard and ended up paying for it when his muscles seized in the middle of setting up their tent. He turned to brace a hand against a tree trunk, cursing under his breath while rubbing the heel of his hand over the spasm in his thigh.

Reyes came around the other side of the tent. “You okay?”

“Fuckin’ peachy.”

“Well, you’re the one who practically ran all the way here. I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to prove.”

He hung his head and dug harder into the tight muscles. “Mark offered me a job.”


“As Shelby’s bodyguard.”


“And what?” he bit out. “I said no.”

“Why? You said last week you weren’t sure what you were going to do now that you’re out. It’s as good a job as any, and Mark pays well.”