Shelby didn’t appear happy, but she grudgingly agreed, until the person behind the note was caught and dealt with, she’d have a bodyguard for protection.

“Then it’s settled.” Janine rose from one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Your dad will get things rolling after brunch, but for now, let’s go eat. You’ll join us, won’t you, Dev?”

He straightened from his spot near the window as Shelby rose from her chair. Her glare in his direction made him want to stay just to spite her. “Thank you, but Reyes and I are on our way out for a couple days of camping.”

“In the winter?”

He shrugged. “Just getting away for a bit.”

Mental therapy for the both of them.

“All right then.” She paused to give him a hug, which he returned with affection as she whispered, “Thank you for taking care of our baby girl.”

Baby girl. Keep that in mind when you’re thinking about how good her ass looks when she bends over.

Heat climbed his neck as he stepped back with an uncomfortable nod for her mother.

“If you don’t mind, Devante, I’d like a word before you go.”

The senator’s request stopped him mid-turn for the door. He did mind. Now that Shelby would have the protection she needed, he wanted the hell out of there. Instead, he forced a polite smile. “Of course, sir.”

“It’s Mark.” The senator crossed his arms with a grin as Janine left the room. “We covered this years ago, did we not?”

“Yes sir. Mark.” Dev smiled, though it felt more like a grimace. “Sorry, sir, force of habit.”

Mark chuckled. “After twelve years of service, I imagine it is.”

Shelby made a sound of impatience from her spot in front of the chair. “What else is there to talk about, Dad?”

“You can go.” He waved her after her mother. “I didn’t ask you to stay.”

“Is it about me?”

He hesitated, glancing between the two of them before saying, “I was going to offer Devante the job.”

“Dev?” She immediately shook her head, her dark hair swaying from her vigor. “Uh-uh. No way.”

He whole-heartedly agreed. “I’m sorry, sir—Mark—but that won’t be possible.”

The senator got up from his desk and moved around to lean against the front in the same way his daughter had earlier. “Why not?”

“Because he can’t, Dad. Let it go,” Shelby insisted.

His gaze bored into Dev’s. “I know you’re not working yet. Name your price.”

The challenge had him gritting his teeth as he shot a glance at Shelby. Forget the temptation she provided—because despite their animosity, he wanted her as much now as he had nine years ago. Forget the animosity, too, because that didn’t matter any more than the money did.

But his pride…that was a whole other matter. And he’d be damned if he’d admit in front of Shelby the bitter truth that had resulted in his forced discharge from the military.

He wasn’t physically capable of protecting her.

The throb in his leg underscored that fact—as did him wishing for his damned cane to lean on.

Having the truth shoved in his face stirred up his anger all over again. At life, the senator, Shelby—and most especially the worthless bastard threatening her safety.

Years of discipline training allowed him to say calmly, “This has nothing to do with money. I’m simply not interested.”

Shelby dipped her head to frown at her feet. When he noticed her nip