He didn’t even give her a chance to be swayed by the protestors, just reached out and pulled her to her feet and against his chest. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, whispering, “I’ll get you for telling them about my tattoo.”

Her cheeks were bright red when he pulled away and all the ladies made awws and oohs, even his mama. He nodded his head to her and she stood up to give him a big hug. Rand slipped away from him to be hugged and advised by the Calhoun women.

“I’ve always liked Miranda, you know.”

His mother’s word pulled his attention back to her and he hiked up an eyebrow. “Really? I seem to remember you saying she needed some softening up.”

“She does need softening up, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders and a sweetness about her. You could do worse.”

His jaw dropped and he boggled, “Rand? Sweet?”

“I understand she needs to marry to secure her inheritance,” his mother said, giving him a pinch.

He was afraid to ask where she was going with this. “Yeah, she’s got a couple of months left.”

His mother gave him serious eyes as she moved him away from the others. “You should marry her. You help her, and maybe she’ll help you buy the feed store.” Then she had the gall to wink at him. “Maybe I’ll get a couple grand babies and you’ll get a wife that will corral your fickle streak.”

“Rand, you have five seconds to get your butt out that door or I’m leaving you!” He kissed his mama’s cheek. “Goodnight mama.”

“Goodnight son. Goodnight Miranda.” His mother gave Rand a hug and patted her cheek. “You’ve grown up so nice.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Hansen.” Rand’s face was cherry red and she followed Jake out the door to his truck.

“Y’all hang on a minute,” Red called behind them.

Jake and Rand stopped outside the small ranch house as Red caught up to them, his intense gaze shifting between them. “I just want to make sure y’all know what you’re doing.”

“Look, Red-“

“We’re good. We’ll see you later,” Jake interrupted, not wanting Red to know about their fake relationship. For some reason, the way Red had been looking at Rand all night had been getting under his skin and he didn’t want Red thinking the field was open to play ball on.

Red’s eyes went from wide with surprise, to narrowed, his mouth turning down with irritation. “All right then.” When he wrapped his arms around Rand to give her a hug, Jake turned his back on them to go around the truck.

Why are you being such a dick about this? If Red is interested in Rand, then he is a perfect back up for Jay.

He listened as Rand said goodnight and didn’t look at her until he heard the front door slam.

“What put a burr in your bonnet,” She asked as he unlocked the doors.

He hopped in and cursed, “I just wanted to get out of there is all.” He started the car and could feel her watching him in the dark.

He caught her shrug as she settled back into the seat. “Well, I don’t know what your problem is, but thank you. I had a lot of fun.”

He pulled out on the highway and thought about the day. Hanging with Rand was always fun, but today, with their little charade, it had been…more. He’d been happy and relaxed, even with his mother plotting how to get them down the aisle. And it had everything to do with the woman sitting next to him.

He slipped his arm over the back of the seat and squeezed her shoulder. “Me too, Rand.”

Her smile flashed at him in the darkness and he was struck by how sweet that smile was. Maybe his mother was right. Marriage to his best friend couldn’t be bad, especially since he knew how very eager Rand might be. She could keep the Double C and he could…

No he couldn’t ask Rand for money. And there was no way he’d be able to marry her, live down the hall from her and never touch her. Not now, when he knew she tasted sweeter than peach cobbler and was just as warm.

“What are you thinking so hard about,” She asked.

He glanced over at her and lied, “Just thinking that if Jay doesn’t show up on your doorstep tomorrow, he’s dumber than a box of rocks.”

She sighed and leaned her head against his arm. “I hope you’re right, otherwise I‘ll be moving into your place. Scout too.”

Jake knew that there was something malfunctioning in his brain when the prospect of having Rand and her mischievous kitty cat move in didn’t sound like the worst idea. In fact, having Rand in his house and more importantly in his bed, sounded good. Really good.