“What were you and your mama talking about?”
He tried to steer his mind from the dangerous track it was on and back to the present. “Oh, she just wanted to know how things were going with buying the store.”
“The hardware store? You didn’t tell me you were trying to buy it.” Her tone held a touch of hurt.
“I didn’t really tell anyone, but it doesn’t matter. I couldn’t get a loan.” He tried not to sound bitter, but it escaped with the words anyway.
Her hand touched his arm sympathetically. “I’m sorry, Jake.”
He shook his head. “It’s okay, it was just a pipe dream anyway.” He pulled into her drive and parked in front of the porch. He opened up his door and came around to get hers, but she beat him to it. “Someday you’ll learn how to wait for the gentleman to get the door.”
“I have some money in the bank,” she blurted out. “It was supposed to be a college fund, but since I only got my associates, there’s quite a bit left. What if I cosigned the loan? Would the bank do that?” She walked up the porch steps ahead of him and he was stunned silent by her offer.
“I can’t take your money, Rand. If the business went under, you’d lose it.”
She turned with a laugh and assured him, “That store has been there for fi
fty years. I’m pretty sure it will stand a few more until you can pay me back. Do you have any savings?”
He blinked and his mouth probably looked a bit like a fish taking air. “I’ve got about twelve thousand.”
Her smile was bright in the dark. “We can go talk to Martha and Bob this week if you want.”
He felt like he should still dissuade her. “Really, Rand, you don’t have to…”
She rolled her eyes and chided, “You’re helping me out, just because you’re my friend. Let me help you.”
He stopped arguing and let out a “whoop” of joy, picking her up around her waist and spinning her. A surprised laugh escaped her, and when he finally set her down, he gave her a hard, fast kiss. “You are the best, Rand Coleman.”
“Yeah I kinda knew that already.”
He laughed and kissed her again. As her mouth opened eagerly under his, he groaned, forgetting about the plan. Instead, he lost himself in her, until she pulled away, breathing hard and staring up at him with wide eyes. He couldn’t look away and he ached to bring her back against him.
She cleared her throat, breaking the spell. “So, what’s the next step to getting Jay’s attention?”
It was like someone had poured a glass of ice water down his pants. If she had wanted to break the mood, she had definitely succeeded and Jake wondered if the way he was feeling was all one sided. Maybe she really wasn’t interested in him at all as more than just a teacher.
You need to stop worrying about how she feels, because this was supposed to always be about helping her find a husband, not getting your jollies off.
Trying to keep the irritation out of his tone, he said, “Don’t worry about Jay. By tomorrow, he’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand.”
Rand’s smile was a flash of brilliance. “Thanks Jake. For all of this. You’re a really good friend.”
As she walked inside, Jake had the sudden urge to beat his fool head against the wood of the door jam.
Chapter Eight
Rand was feeling panicked by the time Thursday morning rolled around. She went about her daily chores, and tried to act normal, but she couldn’t seem to calm down. She had dropped off the check for the spaghetti feed Monday morning and left it with Jamie, along with her phone number (in case he didn’t have it) but Jay hadn’t called or dropped by since he saw her with Jake on Sunday.
Maybe they were too convincing and he wasn’t interested anymore? If that was the case, she had no one. She’d already turned down most of the men in town, pinning all of her hopes on Jay and now she was going to lose everything.
Damn it, it was her fault. She’d asked Jake to help her and it wasn’t his fault that he’d been too good. Even Red thought they were serious! Granted his kisses had a way of making her lose all sanity and when he touched her, hot needles pricked her skin, but she had nothing to compare it too. Maybe that happened with all men. Regardless, Jake had already said he wouldn’t marry her, and she didn’t want him to anyway.
She needed to know if Jay was really out of the picture, so she could try to find a backup. She had a good two months and there were other men in other towns, but still…Jay had seemed like a good, solid choice.
When the hands left for lunch she hopped into the truck and headed to the animal hospital.
She walked in the door and Jamie looked up with a smile. “Hey Rand.”