Rand jerked out of his hands and pushed him. “Well, don’t think I’m giving you a ride home. You’ve got two good legs and a pair of boots, so get walking.”

Jake was flabbergasted. “You’re kicking me out and making me walk? It’s five miles!”

“And maybe you can take that time to think about what an ass you are,” she said, walking around the corner.

Jake was furious, frustrated, and all he could think about was how smart her mouth was. She made him crazy, with her stubborn, pig-headedness and those long legs. He didn’t even realize he had moved to follow her until he was grabbing her arm to slow her down. Pressing her back against the wall, when she tried to smack him he grabbed her hands and held them above her head. Using his height to look down into her angry brown eyes, he felt the softness of her, the warm draw of her skin and the way she smelled like roses was intoxicating.

His anger dissolved as he noticed the sheen to her eyes. Tears. Rand hardly ever cried, but he had hurt her feelings. Or made her so mad she was crying in impotent rage. Whichever it was, he didn’t want to fight with her. As much as she needled and roused him up, he didn’t like being in a spat with his best friend.

Dropping his forehead to hers, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to fight the hard on the smell and feel of her caused. “I’m sorry.” Lifting his head, he looked down at her expression; her confusion was apparent, and he added, “I shouldn’t have said that. About changing who you are. There’s nothing wrong with you.”

She opened her mouth, presumably to say something to contradict his apology and his gaze dropped to her mouth, the lips full, parted, and begging for him to take them.

Before he could stop himself, his mouth was on hers and the first taste of her was his undoing. Releasing her wrists, he wrapped his arms around her as he slipped his tongue inside, coaxing hers. When her tongue touched his hesitantly, he deepened the kiss and she met his thrusts, becoming bolder. He was so caught up in her, he couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed a woman like this, no motive, no plan to ease his loneliness with her warmth. He was just reacting, wanting. It had been a long time since he had felt this kind of spark.

He slid his hands down further to grab her thighs and lift her high. He felt her arms and legs wrap around him as he rubbed against the crux of her, about ready to carry her down to her bedroom and rip off the rough denim. He didn’t know what he was doing anymore; all he could think about was Rand wrapped around him and he wanted more.

Moving his hand up her body, he tried to clasp her breast but met some kind of weird barrier.

Pulling away, he asked, “What is that?”

Rand’s mind was so preoccupied with sensations she’d never felt before, she didn’t even think about her wrap; she had just been praying that whatever Jake was doing, he never stopped.

Who would have ever thought kissing would be so mind blowing? She’d felt every quivering ripple of pleasure from the juncture of her thigh, and up to the place at the back of her neck, and everywhere in between. Even her breasts, which had peaked into hard nubs against the layers that bound them and when he had covered one with his large, warm palm, she had wanted to arch, push against him.

But then she’d remembered the wrap.

Humiliated she dropped her legs and arms from around him and whispered, “Get off me.”


; “Rand, seriously, what is this?” He moved his hand and waved it across her chest as he stepped back.

“It’s nothing,” she said, crossing her arms protectively.

“Do you bind your breasts,” he asked.

Oh God. She had never been kissed, had never thought about what would happen when a man tried to…

But he caught her by surprise. How did she explain that she had started wrapping them when she was a kid? That she was afraid it would change the way everyone thought about her? That they wouldn’t see her as an equal, as their boss, but a pair of boobs?

It was crazy, but she had been raised around men, had heard the things they said about women. She had never wanted to be the topic of one of those conversations.

“I’ll drive you home okay?” She said it, trying to move past him.

He stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Rand, why do you wrap them?”

“To avoid situations like this,” she said sharply.

“Like what,” he asked.

“Like men mauling me,” she said.

Jake blinked at her, color spreading to the top of his ears. “You kissed me back.”

She had no comeback. When Jake had kissed her, it had been like a lightning storm, each strike making her quake and she’d just wanted to get closer to his warmth.

“You know what; don’t worry about it, Rand. I think I will walk,” Jake said, spinning towards the door without looking back. As he slammed out of the house, she slumped against the wall, staring at the door.