The tension broken, Rand grabbed one of the burritos and ate it in silence, sneaking glances at Jake out of the corner of her eye. He really was a fine specimen of a man, if you were looking for a handsome heart breaker. Which she was not.

But still, she wondered what it all was about anyway. She remembered getting stuck in the bathroom in high school, trying to avoid Kim and her howler monkey friends, and listening to Patty Baker talk about making it with Paul Grossman in the back of his daddy’s Ford and thinking that it sounded really awful. But if it was so horrible, then why did they keep doing it?

She’d spent the last twenty-five years keeping men at bay, unwilling to take that next step that would make her vulnerable and it had left her wondering. Curious.

Chapter Three

After they finished eating, Jake watched her pick up their dishes and take them over to the sink, admiring the way she moved with lithe, sure grace.

He had almost kissed Rand, in front of Red, and he wanted to go back. Go back to before he noticed that Rand had a pretty smile and nice legs. Before the feel of her body pressed against his was seared into his brain.

“So, are we going to go through these letters, or what,” Red asked, breaking into his thoughts as he held up a couple of envelopes, his lips stretched into an evil grin.

Rand looked over her shoulder, her elbows buried in soapy water. “Just leave them.”

Jake caught Red’s eye, and knew he had heard the sad tone in Rand’s voice too.

It was Red who walked across the kitchen and put his hands on Rand’s shoulders. “I was only teasing, Rand.”

“Yeah, this is all a big joke to you. I got that.” She said, shaking off his hands and grabbing a towel. “You don’t get what this is like for me. I never wanted this. I never wanted a husband, and now I have to find one, albeit a temporary one, in three months. Look at me!” She was yelling at the top of her lungs, her voice high pitched and Jake stood up. He had never seen Rand so panicked; she looked like a wild animal caught in a trap. “I have no idea how to deal with men or romance or kissing and I just want…you know what, I don’t need the ranch. I don’t. I can just get a job somewhere else…”

Jake walked over and grabbed her shoulders, giving her a shake. “Stop it. You are not giving up this ranch. This is just a temporary thing right? You only have to stay with the guy a year and you’re in the clear. So if you want help hooking a guy, we’re here to help.”

“What?” Red yelled.

“What?” Rand said, staring up at him.

“Red’s got four sisters and I know what guys like. Between the two of us, we can turn you into a guy magnet.” Jake said, watching her cheeks turn scarlet.

“I don’t want to be a guy magnet. Besides, half the men in town have left offerings on my porch,” she said, waving to the island.

“Yeah, but they just think they can get a piece of the Double C. Wouldn’t it be better if they wanted you?” Red chimed in.

“No, I already told you, I don’t want a real marriage,” she said.

“So don’t have one, but you could at least give them a little pleasantness as incentive,” Red said.

“What do you mean, pleasantness,” she asked suspiciously.

“Like smile at the guy? Dress up a little so he’ll be proud to have you on his arm at town events,” Jake offered bluntly.

“God, you are such an ass,” Rand snapped, trying to get away from him.

“No, I am realistic. What man wants a woman who can out man him any day of the week?” Jake countered, holding tight.

“Jake…” Red started cautiously.

“No, Rand, you need to grow up. You are a grown ass woman and it’s about time you started acting like it!” Jake said.

“Me? What about you? You jump around from bed to bed and don’t think about the future at all! Who are you to tell me I’m immature?” She shouted it.

“Okay, I think we all need to take a breath…” Red tried again.

“Shut up!” They shouted in unison.

Red’s face flushed. “Fine, you two idiots can hash it out all you want.”

Red was already out the door before Jake wondered how his friend was going to get home until he heard his truck start. “Son of a bitch is stealing my truck!”