Until Chris.
Kelly stood up and abandoned her toast in the trash. “Do you girls need anything? Coffee? Tea?”
“Yes, that would be amaaaazing,” Julia’s maid of honor, Aurora, said.
After taking down their drink order, Kelly hurried down the hallway to the elevator, tapping her toe against the floor as she waited for it to open.
Finally, she managed to get out of the hotel and head over to the supermarket without anyone stopping her to chit chat. There was no way. Even with human error, the pill was like 90% effective. She just had some kind of bug, was all.
Kelly grabbed the first test she saw, and went through Jason Dalton’s line. He was eighteen and barely glanced at her item as he checked her out.
She couldn’t be gone too long, and so going home was out of the question. The bathroom at Something Borrowed’s office would have to suffice.
Kelly shoved the test box into her purse and walked through the glass doors. Maggie shot her a look of confusion as she hurried past.
“Hey, boss, shouldn’t you be getting ready for the Townsend wedding?”
“Yes, I just forgot something in my office.”
She checked over her shoulder to see if Maggie was watching her, but it was clear. She ducked into the bathroom and locked the door with a click.
Three minutes and thirty seconds later, she was staring at two pink lines in the view window of the pregnancy test.
Oh, my God, I am having Chris’s baby.
What was she going to tell him? That she was great at running a business and lousy at remembering to take her pill? That would go over well.
Kelly continued to stare at the results of the test and mixed with the fear and the anxiety was…excitement. She was pregnant. There was a tiny person growing inside her.
Of course, her mother would say she was doing everything ass backwards if she told her, but there was no reason to go there yet. If anyone was going to hear this news first, it was going to be Chris.
Kelly slipped the stick back into the box and then into her purse. After she washed her hands, she tried to sneak back out, but…
“Hey, boss, find what you were looking for?” Maggie asked, cheerfully.
“I did, Maggie. Thanks for asking.”
Kelly made it back to the hotel with coffees in hand, and after hours of beautification, she stood along the side of the outdoor reception’s dance floor, watching Julia share her first dance with her award-winning director husband. The Mason jar favors filled with mixed berry jam sat on every table with a sweet little card attached, thanking each guest for sharing in their special day. Kelly had been surprised that all three hundred guests, some of them traveling as far as Scotland, had come in. Every hotel in a fifty-mile radius had been booked to accommodate everyone.
The room sparkled with glittering ribbons of lavender, blue, yellow, green, and pink. The brightly colored rose centerpieces were arranged in white vases.
The entire affair had run smoothly and the happy couple seemed to be having the time of their lives.
“Well done.”
Kelly jumped as Hank came up alongside her, standing shoulder to shoulder as they watched Julia. He wore a black tux on his top half and a blue and red kilt. The look was rather dashing, and more than a few women had been checking out his legs through the whole event.
“Thank you. Hats off to you too, since you had a hand in it.”
“I suppose I did lend a hand.”
Kelly glanced his way when he didn’t say more and she realized that Hank looked nervous.
“Something on your mind?” she asked.
“Actually, I was wondering. Your assistant, Veronica…”