“Is she single?”

Kelly’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry, but it just sounded like you were asking about my employee’s relationship status. Besides, aren’t you going back to La-La-Land tomorrow?”

“I was looking at buying property up here between filming and I find her…fascinating.”

She laughed.

“What, you don’t think I’m sincere?” he asked.

“Oh no, I think you mean it. But I also know Veronica.”


Kelly patted his shoul

der. “If you screw with her, she will eat you alive.”

“Does that mean I have your blessing?”

“You don’t need my blessing. If you want to ask Veronica out, go for it. Just don’t be surprised if she turns you down flat.”

“Does she ever talk about me?”

“Besides calling you weird? No.”

“That’s discouraging.”

Kelly glanced at her watch and relief spread through her. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Hank’s cheek. “If anyone could win Veronica over, it’s you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, this woman’s work is done, and I am ready for bed.”

Hank gave Kelly a hug before she could pull away. “It was wonderful working with you, Ms. Barrow.”

“Likewise, Mr. Townsend.”

Kelly slipped away from the reception and headed to her car. The moment she was inside, she texted Chris.

Hey, I’m done. Can I come over?

Yeah, I’ve been waiting for you.

See you soon.

Kelly took a deep breath and started the car, scared to death of how he was going to react when she dropped this bomb on him.

It’s Chris. Mr. Supportive. It will be fine.

Chapter 33

Chris pulled the plane tickets out of his drawer, rolling them over in his hands. On the way home from Hawaii, Kelly had gone on and on about all the places she wanted to see, starting with Ireland and Scotland and working her way down to England, France, Italy, and Spain. She’d been so animated, talking about the places she’d always dreamed of going, that Chris had come home inspired. He’d been researching the best times to travel all week and impulsively bought plane tickets for them in the middle of September. It gave him two months to book hotels, plot train routes, and above all, plan how he was going to ask Kelly to be his wife.

Watching her stand up there with her parents had been the moment he’d known he wanted to take that step with Kelly. He didn’t care if they had only technically been together a month; they had been the other half of a whole for a lot longer than that.

Fungi jumped up onto his bed and meowed loudly. Chris put the plane tickets back in his drawer and picked the kitten up, placing him over his shoulder.

“Sorry, was I ignoring you?”

The loud rumble of his purr echoed in Chris’s ear as he headed out to the living room. Headlights brightened wall the far wall and Chris waited just inside the door for Kelly to come in.

The minute she opened the door, Chris saw it. The ‘oh shit, I have something big to tell you’ face.