“We have not been acting shifty,” Kelly protested.

Then Kelly’s mom was hugging Marc

y, and Kelly turned to Chris with a bemused expression. “We told them.”

“Yep. Think we can finally stay in the same hotel room?” he whispered.

Kelly glanced at her dad, who was watching them with a protective gleam in his eyes.

“Maybe we should just wait until we get home.”

Chris followed her line of vision and swallowed. “Good plan.”

Kelly stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I love you, though.”

“I love you, too. Now back up a step. Your dad looks ready to throttle me.”

Chapter 32

The morning of Julia Townsend’s wedding, Kelly felt like death warmed over. For the last week, she’d been tired and nauseous. The smell of cooking meat turned her stomach, especially. Chris had made sausage and eggs yesterday morning, and Kelly had about dry heaved her back out.

Kelly wanted to blame the stress of the last few weeks, but things were actually turning out better than she imagined. With Hank and Teresa’s endorsement and Alejandro’s retraction, most of her clients had come back with their apologies. She’d been humble and understanding, of course. In addition, they’d booked four more weddings for later in the summer and early fall. Something Borrowed was officially in the clear.

Sitting in Julia’s room at the Love Shack Hotel, Kelly nibbled on some toast while Julia and her three reed-thin friends stood in front of the available mirrors. It was just before eleven, and even though the wedding wasn’t taking place until four, Julia had wanted them to get there early so they had plenty of time for hair and makeup.

And as a bonus, Kelly had managed to convince Julia that her maid of honor and bridesmaids would look much better in periwinkle than pumpkin orange.

“Feeling sick?” Julia asked, her accent less defined than her brother’s. She sat down next to Kelly on the bed and took a sip from the bottled water in her hand. Julia was dark haired like her brother, with unnatural green eyes. They were so bright, Kelly was convinced they might just glow in the dark. Clad in a salmon pink camisole and yoga pants, she was tall, lithe, and gorgeous.

And incredibly down to earth, just like her brother.

“Yeah, a little. The last week, actually.”

Julia grabbed a Danish from the room service plate. “Oh, how far along are you?”

“Pardon?” Kelly asked.

Julia ran her hand over her flat stomach. “I’m fourteen weeks, but you can’t tell, right? I’m over most of that morning sickness stuff, although certain smells can still make me queasy.”

Kelly blinked several times, completely boggled by what the other woman was telling her. “Wait, I’m not pregnant.”

Julia looked aghast. “Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”

Kelly’s heart pounded loudly in her ears. “Does your brother know you’re pregnant?”

“I told him yesterday. He was actually excited about it. I gave him a little onesie that says, ‘My Uncle kicks arse.’”

Oh yeah, Hank would love that.

“Well, congratulations. I am so happy for you.”

“Thank you. And sorry again about the mix up.”

“It’s fine.”

One of her bridesmaids called her name and she patted Kelly’s knee. “I appreciate everything you’ve done and being a part of this. My brother speaks highly of you.”

When she was gone, Kelly mentally calculated the last time she’d had her period. She had never been great at remembering her pill, even when she set her alarm on her phone, but it hadn’t been an issue, since she wasn’t sexually active.