/> And that was it. He was owned.

“I’m going to keep him.”

Rachel bit her lip. “But…I…I can’t have him in my apartment.”

“That’s okay. We’ll head home.”

“What about coming in?”

“I should get this guy back to my place and feed him.” He almost leaned over to kiss her cheek, but remembered her allergies. “I’ll call you.”

“Fine. Goodnight.” He could tell she was miffed as she stomped to her door in her four-inch heels, but Chris was too caught up in the needle-sharp teeth currently eating the end of his finger. He had no idea what he needed for the little guy, but…

Kelly would.

He climbed into his truck and under the dome light, took a selfie of him and the kitten. Then he sent it to Kelly.

I made a new friend. Help me?

Seconds ticked by before she finally answered.

Get your ass over here.

Chris laughed and started the truck. One good thing about Kelly was no matter how mad she might be at him, she could never resist a critter in distress.

Chapter 13

Kelly took several deep breaths, telling herself to calm the hell down. This was Chris, her dear friend and colleague. This wasn’t the first time Chris had come over late at night when she was in her pjs. No reason to freak about it now.

So what if she’d had two sexy dreams about him in the last week? Who cares if she’d been so turned on when she’d woken up that she’d needed to alleviate the pressure with her battery-operated buddy? She couldn’t control where her subconscious went and that was no reason to be weird around him.

She heard Chris come through the front door and pulled her gray sweater tighter around her body. She came around the corner to find him standing in her living room, holding a little ball of white and tabby fur in his big hand.

“Oh, my God, where did you find him?”

At the sound of her voice, the kitten’s head popped up and he yawned adorably.

“Under a bush at an apartment complex.”

“Outside? Poor pumpkin. He doesn’t look older than six weeks.” She walked closer to get a better look. The kitten’s ears and back were brown striped while the rest of him was snowy white except…were those bald patches on his ears?

Oh boy.

“Bring him into the kitchen so I can get a better look at him.”

Chris stroked the kitten’s head and back as he passed her by, the scent of his cologne wrapping around her like a cozy blanket. She felt a little like a floating cartoon character following him with her nose in the air.

Dammit, she really needed to get a grip on herself!

She stepped closer to him, studying how small the kitten looked in Chris’s big hands. Kelly didn’t want to take the chance of meeting his pale blue eyes, especially less than a foot away. She scratched the kitten under his chin, turning his head this way and then the other, concentrating on searching for hairless spots and not on the fact that Chris’s chest looked hot in the blue T-shirt he was wearing.

Once she got a good look at the little fuzzbutt, she noted the scaly bald spots and knew without a doubt she wasn’t wrong.

“Hey Chris…”


“Your new kitten has ringworm.”